Hey ladies…and gents? I wonder if any guys read my blog. If they do, they’ve never commented but considering the amount of men that are into wearing nail polish, it wouldn’t surprise me. Sweet baby Jesus it was hard to wake up this morning. Not only is it Monday, but I also couldn’t fall asleep last night so I ended up going to bed after 10:00 pm which means that waking up at 3:30 am would be horrific. I actually didn’t have that hard of a time getting out of bed because I had the most horrid dream ever. I was dreaming that one of my best friends and I were taking a trip to Russia. We were on the plane and she decided we should fly in first class so we upgraded and moved to the front of the plane. The weird part was that there was no real cockpit door, we could see into the cockpit and therefore look out their window. Well, we were going down the runway gaining speed so we could take off. All of a sudden, another plane was taxing right in front of us and crossing our path. In my dream I felt this loud boom and a lot of heat. I felt like I was thrown up in the air and everything went black and I could hear people screaming. I felt like I was floating and then I things started to come back into focus and I was suddenly outside falling onto runway in the snow. Apparently we were making a layover in some Eastern European country in the middle of winter. Considering I used to work for 2 major airlines, I was never afraid of flying. In fact, being on the airplane was one of the favorite parts of my job (didn’t hurt that I always got to travel in first/business!) but, it’s like now I have this irrational fear of flying. The last time I was on an airplane, it was for a work trip and I had to like load up with a few drinks to even make it on the plane. I’m such a spaz. It was a really bad dream, and I was so grateful to wake up. However, I felt terribly uneasy about my dream all day. I haven’t started back up on my Prozac yet, but these are the kinds of dreams I have when I’m on my meds…EVERY SINGLE DAY. Eeeek…I hate that.
Anyway, now that I’ve told you about my terrible dreams, I am going to share with you the Nicole by OPI Tink Collection which is a new and limited edition collection inspired by Disney’s Tinker Bell.
Tink’s In The Pink – This happy fuchsia makes me, well…happy!
Sweet On Pete – This lime green is the “key” to Pete’s heart!
Half Charming Half Alarming – This coral is perfect when you’re feeling unpredictable
Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary – Not, it’s NOT orange…it’s tangerine. So there!
After swatching this collection, I’ve got to say that the formula on all four polishes is fantastic. I had zero issues with application and they all covered very well with two regular coats of polish. All of my swatches are two coats of polish plus a coat of Seche Vite. While these colors aren’t exactly groundbreaking, they are nice staple colors that are worth picking up if you don’t have them. My favorite color is Sweet On Pete because I don’t have a dupe for this in my collection as far as I can tell. It’s one of those weird and pretty/ugly colors that kind of draw me in. I also wanted to mention that I am missing two of the polishes: Pixie Glitter and How Fairy Nice Of You!
Pixie Glitter – This clear gloss is sprinkled with tiny rainbows.
How Fairy Nice of You! – This sweet pixie pink gives me wings
This limited edition collection will be available July 1, 2013 for $7.99 each at select Walgreens locations nationwide. For more information, visit nicolebyopi.com. Follow Nicole by OPI on Twitter @NicoleByOPI and become a Facebook fan!
Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you’re having a nice Monday. Let me know if you’re a fan of Tinker Bell and/or all things Disney. I’ll leave you with a picture of my gluttony….ceviche and a giant Tecate. I feel kind of ghetto with that giant beer but it was in my fridge and Guinness doesn’t really go with ceviche tostadas. Ha!
I love the “Orange” and Unpredicable (usually I am) Coral. Also, your ghetto 32oz Tecate! Love it! Opi’s are so darn expensive but they really do make polishes. I do NOT own one Opi and I don’t know why.
Whuuuuuut? How do you not have OPI’s? You can sometimes find them on sale…that’s when I try to stock up if it’s at a place that has them for full retail. They do make great polishes. I think Nicole by OPI usually goes on sale at Target for like under $4 once they come out with a newer collection.
Do you still have Nubar Sour Apple? I was wondering how close that one was to Sweet on Pete.
Michelle Smith recently posted..Yumi Tamura: Two Artbooks
You know what? I actually got rid of it. I think Sour Apple is a tiny little bit brighter but otherwise they are pretty close dupes. Good catch! I think I liked the formula on Sweet On Pete better as well. In looking at my swatch of Sour Apple, it looked a little streaky so I know I must have had a little trouble working with it.
Hm. I bought Sour Apple, but I have trouble saying no to excellent formulas, too!
I’m definitely getting the pink, coral, and orange ones, though. 

Michelle Smith recently posted..Yumi Tamura: Two Artbooks
I wish I had the other two to show. I’m so greedy! haha!
I love ugly/pretty colors so the one that catches my eye here is Sweet on Pete. They’re all pretty though! And I love the giant beer, haha, good choice.
LOL…now I’m responding to comments and I feel a little buzzed. I think the formula on these really won me over because I’m sure I have dupes of most of these. When can I ever say no to polishes with an awesome formula? NEVER!
All pretty creme shades!! Love it

Lisa N. recently posted..Essie Borrowed & Blue
Thanks, Lisa!
Booo to that bad dream! I’m absolutely terrified to fly. It’s a combination of most of my major fears into one big thing.
I am going to need all of these colors! A couple look like ones that I already have but those are lacking the Tink-related names. I am a Disney fanatic, so that alone will make me buy these!
LOL…I’m telling you, these nail polish companies will get us to buy so much stuff because of these collaborations.
I’m not a Disney fanatic but I do like these. And about the dream…ghaaaa….!!!! It was so horrible. I’m praying I have normal dreams tonight.
the pink and the tangerine one are my favorites!
regarding the ghetto beer.. do you know the big bottles (almost 1 lt of beer), well.. that’s the original ghetto beer here, rompepecho is the name..
it is difficult to find that size of cans here.. the first time i drank that ghetto beer was last year in chicago’s lollapalooza.
can you believe that it happened almost a year ago? I want to go back..
mariaemmafaria recently posted..Spun Sugar Nails
I love tecate beer…it’s like the people’s beer. lol I hate Corona. But if I have my choice, I will usually drink Guinness. It’s so delicious. That seems like yesterday that you had your trip. CRAZY!
Boo for scary dreams but yay for amazing polishes! My favorite from the above is Tink’s in the Pink.
Bailey recently posted..Let’s Go Fly A Kite!
Loving that tangerine colour!
Me, too! It kind of reminds me of the Mango color that Dior recently put out, but at 1/3 the price!
Love these colors! I think I tend to get pulled into collections based on the colors altogether though, which I need to be careful of cuz then I wear a color by itself and I’m like, meh. I love all of these though and they would make great undies for some of my glitters and for nail art!
I hope your dreams stop. Look into lucid dreaming, it’s about taking control of your dreams. It sounds crazy but I can do it sometimes for the scarier ones!
I love the pink (even though I’m sure I’ve got something similar!) and the tangerine! I’m glad the formula’s good on these–I feel like half the NOPI I own take at least three coats.
Bottom three- coral, orange, green- must have!! I love those!! Too bad the NOPI bottles are so awkward and annoying, cuz it sounds like the formula is spot on and I loooooOOOooooOOooove the colors! Y’know, NOPI does have some nice collections sometimes. I just wish they’d change that awful bottle. Even Daniel thinks it’s ridiculous and you know he could give two squirts about nail polish! I can relate on the bad dream thing, sometimes I have dreams so bad I wake up and my eyes are wet from crying in my sleep! OR even after I’m awake and have been for like half a day I’m still thinking about that dream and am upset by it like it’s real. I don’t know what causes vivid dreams, except for medication of course, unfortunately, but they’re not fun. I rarely have a super vivid GOOD dream, they’re usually pretty crappy.

Nicole recently posted..China Glaze Sexy In The City
Thanks for showing me another green I must have! Even with the unergonomic bottles. I had lots of vivid dreams when I started my happy pills, so I take them immediately when I wake up and that seems to eliminate that for me. The dreams never bothered me though . I love dreams. For some reason I always know I am dreaming as I have them and I never freak out when I wake up. I saw Steven Tyler rocking a MAN – icure that I liked. It was just a black stripe down the center of each nail….
Will you be swatching the other two polishes? Or do you know anyone who has? Thanks love your site
Hi Carly, I am not sure if I will be getting them from NOPI since it looks like they only sent 4 out of the 6 polishes to us bloggers. I will swatch them if they send them to me before they are officially released or else I might pick them up myself once they start showing up at Walgreens.
Thanks for the info! I hope you feel better! And I win your minnie giveaway that would brighten up my week!
I was kinda thinking the tink collection would have more shimmer or glitter in it. It’s lame they didn’t send you the one glitter. Whats up with that OPI?? The colors aren’t anything that excites me :/ The tangerine is pretty, but I don’t feel any strong desire to pick any up.
Also, I hope you’re not planning any air travel soon.
Frosso recently posted..Sephora by OPI Swatches
Sweet on Pete was my fav too. Reminds me of Innocent by Sinful Colors
omg that is the craziest dream! jesus!! my goodness ! whew that made me scared just reading it.
Whew, alright well on to some more beauties <3 loving this pink too!
These look like great creams… that green tink one looks awesome. I like that NOPIs are easy to find in stores near me. I might have to pick these up!!
craftynail recently posted..Nail Challenge Update!
I’ve never had good luck with Nicole by OPI, and I wasn’t very impressed with this collection, but of course I see it on you and am like, HELLO, awesome! I particularly like the two oranges on you (I like to think of the last one as “Cheeto”).
I do like the lime, but those colors look bad on me, no matter how much I try *sad face*.
Oh, man…I am loving your dinner and tv photo right now. Work has been not my favorite today, so that just sounds fantastic.