I love this video. I think it’s my second favorite kid video on youtube with Charlie Bit My Finger being #1
I was asking myself if I really bought this much nail polish today. I look at it and I am still wondering what possesses me to go on these nail polish buying binges. It’s like a high. Is anyone else understanding this or am I just nuts?
So much polish…………………..
I picked up the whole Gelato Mio collection from Jessica Cosmetics. I’ve gotta admit that the main reason why I got these is because I am dying to go back to Italy. Some of my fondest memories of Italy are food related–gelato being a huge part of it. The last time I was in Italy, way back in 2003, V. and I went to Rome and Florence. Despite how cold it was, we were still dedicated gelato eaters the whole time. Ahhh! Also, I have the funniest picture of D. and I during our first trip to Italy. We went out for a really awesome dinner and we had probably the most pivotal conversation in our 15 year friendship. We also proceeded to get plastered on red wine and then wandered around the city drunk and crazy trying to find a gelato place that was open. Once we did, we bought some and headed back to the hotel. The next morning, D. was asking me what the hell we had done the previous night because his jacket was coated with something. We never figured it out until I developed the pictures and we got a picture of him drunk, eating gelato while it was melting down the cone and down his arm all over his jacket. LOL
One of my dusties had a crapload of these American Classic nail polishes. I wanted to get a bunch of them because the one I previously tried was awesome. I still don’t have much info about this nail polish line, but I got to talking with the owner of the nail polish store and he told me that the guy who started this company also started China Glaze. Huh? He was telling me how he had designed the bottle and stuff. When you look at these, they do look exactly like CG bottles except for the ridges on the cap. How cool. Sally Beauty Supply gave me a contact # for American Classic (who make Gelous) so I’m going to call them and see if they can give me any info about this. I’d love to know how old these are.
Ahhh…Kleancolor. These smell like the vas deferens of a platypus. The smell is beyond disgusting so I don’t know if I’ll be able to deal with them. These are all glitters!!!! I decided to get them because they are dirt cheap and I will never pay a lot for any glitter.
These are just some assorted goodies from China Glaze (yay for super old polishes!!!), Nubar, Essie and Dare To Wear.
And lastly, I got some more special Konad polishes for stamping and some nail art stuff.
I need to cut the crap and stop being such a nail polish hoarder. I only have 20 nails…why do I need so much? Well, for now, nail polish makes me happy and I really need a little happiness when I’m usually feeling so rotten. I hate feeling like I’m just a shopaholic, but I guess it could be worse.
I like seeing the haul in all its glory!
The vas deferens of a platypus. LOL!!! I almost want to try these just to have this experience!
I agree that I obviously do not need all of the polish that I have, but it is an easy, accessible way for a little pick-me-up.
I'm serious, though…I know Nicole knows how bad these smell and I'm not exaggerating. They are pretty, though…especially for $1!!!
My mom saw all my new polish and she asked: "You didn't buy all of that today, did you?" I lied and told her that they were old bottles and that I was just working on my organization. And the hoarding lies begin….
OMG, LOL!!! TOO funny!!! When your addiction is getting out of control!!!
Ah, it's alright. It's a harmless problem.
I hope it is a harmless problem because one day I got a whiff of acetone that nearly knocked me over…so maybe not so harmless. lol
Vas deferens of a platypus?! Lmao siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!
I like seeing your polish hauls. They make me feel better about my own lol
LOL…yours are way more costly. hahaha I see a bunch of really high-end polishes in your hauls and I nearly faint.
Oh my gosh…. earlier tonight it was the butthole of a skunk and now it's the vas deferens of a platypus!! You're killing me. I just about jiggled my husband awake laughing hysterically in bed as I read this!!! Good lord you have a way with words. Haha. Anyway- this is quite the haul! I'm particularly jealous of your Jessica polishes and your ability to even find them in a store. They're no where to be found here. :-/ Hey- if polish makes you happy- you go girl. For one isn't not that expensive (although when you have a haul like this that requires a duffel bag to carry it out of the store with it probably set you back a bit), and it's small. You can store 1000 nail polishes in one room. Now if you consoled yourself with, say, cats as some people seem to you'd have a problem. I say as long as you can afford it- polish up!
*isn't = it's
Whoops as it turns out I messed up again- it should say "it isn't that expensive…" but whatever, I'm sure you can figure it out. :p
LMAO You sure needed to go to bed.
LOL @ crazy cat lady. I will be the lady we have all seen at the supermarket purchasing a huge bottle of vodka and some cat food.
You so reminded me of my friend's story of how he was waxing his leg (he was a swimmer in high school) and it hurt so bad that his leg was shaking like crazy and he had his leg on his stister's bed. She was taking a nap and she woke up screaming that there was an earthquake.
I did go a little overboard. I'll probably be satisfied for a while. Maybe.
I can't wait to see your swatches of those 2 China Glaze Classc Chromes and the American Classic polishes, such pretty colors.
We all have a quirks and yours just happens to be polish. At least you use them and share you treasures with the world. And you can always have giveaways for the items you've grown tired of.
I just have to ask, how do you know what the vas deferens of a platypus smells like??
You know, I think I have a talent for knowing what things smell like. hehehe
I am excited about the Chromes too…they are so shiny! I haven't heard back from China Glaze regarding when they were made so I guess I'll just have to keep bugging them. lol
I like seeing the haul in all its glory!
The vas deferens of a platypus. LOL!!! I almost want to try these just to have this experience!
I agree that I obviously do not need all of the polish that I have, but it is an easy, accessible way for a little pick-me-up.
I’m serious, though…I know Nicole knows how bad these smell and I’m not exaggerating. They are pretty, though…especially for $1!!!
My mom saw all my new polish and she asked: “You didn’t buy all of that today, did you?” I lied and told her that they were old bottles and that I was just working on my organization. And the hoarding lies begin….
OMG, LOL!!! TOO funny!!! When your addiction is getting out of control!!!
Ah, it’s alright. It’s a harmless problem.
I hope it is a harmless problem because one day I got a whiff of acetone that nearly knocked me over…so maybe not so harmless. lol
I seriously need to get my ass down to Chinatown! And I need to find a place selling Jessica's cheap because I'm super jealous of you right now! Lol I really like the blue shades from the Gelato Mio collection but I don't want to pay full price plus shipping to get them.
Don't feel bad about your polish bingeing, I did it on Monday when I was still feeling pretty crummy. I went on a major Walgreens hunt and then a package I ordered arrived with at least 10 bottles in it. Let's not kid ourselves, it feels so good! Lol
All the prices have been going up at my nail places which is a bummer. I went there yesterday because they told me the Essie metallics would be in and they weren't!!! Ugh!!! So I just went nuts with all the other stuff. Oh boy…
Did you find what you were looking for at Walgreens? Everyone has been all over those wnw fergie polishes lately. There is one walgreens that I go to that ALWAYS has everything I want…it's like the only one.
I haven't been able to find the Essie Lux Effects yet. I've been to so many stores I'm getting sad. SO stopped at another Walgreens for me today with no luck.
There is a new Luxeffects collection??? Where have I been?
There's one new color added, it's BLUE glitter!!
….and how do you know what that smells like, exactly? LOL.
I will admit that I like buying polishes too. I like looking at them in their bottles, lining them up, admiring the color and creativity. They just look so cool. I gave my mother in law 2 bottles to take with her to use on pedicures. I doubt I'll get them back
But when she said "Well Im sure you're going to notice them missing…" I said "I have like 250 bottles…my heart will go on." (Even though I really like those colors, why do I have to be such a tough bitch? Ha!). Her jaw dropped, and I kinda felt her judging me, even though she'd never say it. But it makes me happy (I didnt tell her there were 'others like me' some with bigger collections. I doubt her heart would take the strain.) and as long as it doesnt hurt yourself or others then it's absolutely fine!
I don't know….it's a mystery! lol
It's such a high to buy so many pretty polishes. I guess as far as addictions go, this one is pretty harmless unless my melmers topple over and kill me one day.
I hate it when people get judgy. Who cares if we like nail polish and get a lot of it? I don't ever volunteer how many bottles of polish I have to other people…except on here. lol
Vas deferens of a platypus?! Lmao siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!
I like seeing your polish hauls. They make me feel better about my own lol
LOL…yours are way more costly. hahaha I see a bunch of really high-end polishes in your hauls and I nearly faint.
Oh my god that kid is hysterical and adorable. I never saw the second one. I say that all the time though from the first one… Whenever somethign crazy happens i go…. Is this real life like he did jahahaha. And yes you certainly did buy a lot of polishes, comes along with the addiction lol. Bautiful colors thougj, so i see why you did
I love saying: "I feel funny. Why is this happening to me?" LOL That kid made me crack up bad. The Charlie bit My Finger video is my favorite and it might be just cause I love their accents. Those boys are adorable.
Addiction…yes! We all have it pretty bad.
Oh my gosh…. earlier tonight it was the butthole of a skunk and now it’s the vas deferens of a platypus!! You’re killing me. I just about jiggled my husband awake laughing hysterically in bed as I read this!!! Good lord you have a way with words. Haha. Anyway- this is quite the haul! I’m particularly jealous of your Jessica polishes and your ability to even find them in a store. They’re no where to be found here. :-/ Hey- if polish makes you happy- you go girl. For one isn’t not that expensive (although when you have a haul like this that requires a duffel bag to carry it out of the store with it probably set you back a bit), and it’s small. You can store 1000 nail polishes in one room. Now if you consoled yourself with, say, cats as some people seem to you’d have a problem. I say as long as you can afford it- polish up!
*isn’t = it’s
Whoops as it turns out I messed up again- it should say “it isn’t that expensive…” but whatever, I’m sure you can figure it out. :p
LMAO You sure needed to go to bed.
LOL @ crazy cat lady. I will be the lady we have all seen at the supermarket purchasing a huge bottle of vodka and some cat food.
You so reminded me of my friend’s story of how he was waxing his leg (he was a swimmer in high school) and it hurt so bad that his leg was shaking like crazy and he had his leg on his stister’s bed. She was taking a nap and she woke up screaming that there was an earthquake.
I did go a little overboard. I’ll probably be satisfied for a while. Maybe.
I can’t wait to see your swatches of those 2 China Glaze Classc Chromes and the American Classic polishes, such pretty colors.
We all have a quirks and yours just happens to be polish. At least you use them and share you treasures with the world. And you can always have giveaways for the items you’ve grown tired of.
I just have to ask, how do you know what the vas deferens of a platypus smells like??
You know, I think I have a talent for knowing what things smell like. hehehe
I am excited about the Chromes too…they are so shiny! I haven’t heard back from China Glaze regarding when they were made so I guess I’ll just have to keep bugging them. lol
I seriously need to get my ass down to Chinatown! And I need to find a place selling Jessica’s cheap because I’m super jealous of you right now! Lol I really like the blue shades from the Gelato Mio collection but I don’t want to pay full price plus shipping to get them.
Don’t feel bad about your polish bingeing, I did it on Monday when I was still feeling pretty crummy. I went on a major Walgreens hunt and then a package I ordered arrived with at least 10 bottles in it. Let’s not kid ourselves, it feels so good! Lol
All the prices have been going up at my nail places which is a bummer. I went there yesterday because they told me the Essie metallics would be in and they weren’t!!! Ugh!!! So I just went nuts with all the other stuff. Oh boy…
Did you find what you were looking for at Walgreens? Everyone has been all over those wnw fergie polishes lately. There is one walgreens that I go to that ALWAYS has everything I want…it’s like the only one.
I haven’t been able to find the Essie Lux Effects yet. I’ve been to so many stores I’m getting sad. SO stopped at another Walgreens for me today with no luck.
There is a new Luxeffects collection??? Where have I been?
There’s one new color added, it’s BLUE glitter!!
….and how do you know what that smells like, exactly? LOL.
I will admit that I like buying polishes too. I like looking at them in their bottles, lining them up, admiring the color and creativity. They just look so cool. I gave my mother in law 2 bottles to take with her to use on pedicures. I doubt I’ll get them back
But when she said “Well Im sure you’re going to notice them missing…” I said “I have like 250 bottles…my heart will go on.” (Even though I really like those colors, why do I have to be such a tough bitch? Ha!). Her jaw dropped, and I kinda felt her judging me, even though she’d never say it. But it makes me happy (I didnt tell her there were ‘others like me’ some with bigger collections. I doubt her heart would take the strain.) and as long as it doesnt hurt yourself or others then it’s absolutely fine!
I don’t know….it’s a mystery! lol
It’s such a high to buy so many pretty polishes. I guess as far as addictions go, this one is pretty harmless unless my melmers topple over and kill me one day.
I hate it when people get judgy. Who cares if we like nail polish and get a lot of it? I don’t ever volunteer how many bottles of polish I have to other people…except on here. lol
Oh my god that kid is hysterical and adorable. I never saw the second one. I say that all the time though from the first one… Whenever somethign crazy happens i go…. Is this real life like he did jahahaha. And yes you certainly did buy a lot of polishes, comes along with the addiction lol. Bautiful colors thougj, so i see why you did
I love saying: “I feel funny. Why is this happening to me?” LOL That kid made me crack up bad. The Charlie bit My Finger video is my favorite and it might be just cause I love their accents. Those boys are adorable.
Addiction…yes! We all have it pretty bad.
OMG! I love all of your new nail polishes !!!!! I bought you a bottle of Fantasy Fire when I was in London, so I will sent you an email tonight or tomorrow to know where to send it ^^
Tu es un amour! Tu t'es bien amusée?
Oh ouiii c'était génial
J'ai très envie d'y retourner 

J'ai pas trouvé ton email sur ton site, mais j'aurais besoin que tu m'envoies par email ton adresse, comme ça je pourrais t'envoyer le fameux Fantasy Fire
On devrait parler en français plus souvent, c'est plus facile pour moi
Je viens juste de te l'envoyer.
Et tu rigoles…tu parles anglais parfaitment. La plupart des americains peuvent à peine parler anglais. lol La honte!
Merci, c'est trop gentil de dire ça
Mais tu n'imagines pas combien de fois je vérifie mes commentaires quand je parle anglais xD Toi aussi tu parles super bien français, tu ne fais aucune faute de conjugaison, ni d'orthographe contrairement à la plupart des français 
Je viens de voir ton mail, j'y répond tout de suite
OMG! I love all of your new nail polishes !!!!! I bought you a bottle of Fantasy Fire when I was in London, so I will sent you an email tonight or tomorrow to know where to send it ^^
Tu es un amour! Tu t’es bien amusée?
Oh ouiii c’était génial
J’ai très envie d’y retourner 

J’ai pas trouvé ton email sur ton site, mais j’aurais besoin que tu m’envoies par email ton adresse, comme ça je pourrais t’envoyer le fameux Fantasy Fire
On devrait parler en français plus souvent, c’est plus facile pour moi
Je viens juste de te l’envoyer.
Et tu rigoles…tu parles anglais parfaitment. La plupart des americains peuvent à peine parler anglais. lol La honte!
Merci, c’est trop gentil de dire ça
Mais tu n’imagines pas combien de fois je vérifie mes commentaires quand je parle anglais xD Toi aussi tu parles super bien français, tu ne fais aucune faute de conjugaison, ni d’orthographe contrairement à la plupart des français 

Je viens de voir ton mail, j’y répond tout de suite