How many of you remember Blue? This is the first song that pops into my mind when I think of Euro dance tracks. I was reminded of this song when I decided to do a blue comparison after Vienna from Nail Polish Required asked me how Sephora by OPI Blue Grotto compared to OPI Dating A Royal. If you’re a glitter lover, you have to check out her blog!
I decided to compare three colors: Essie Mesmerize, OPI Dating A Royal and Sephora by OPI Blue Grotto.
As you can see, there are very slight differences between these polishes. Essie Mesmerize is the lightest one of the three and also has the best formula since you can get away with one coat. OPI Dating A Royal is a tiny bit darker than Mesmerize and it also has the sheerest formula out of the three. It needs 3 coats and it can be kind of watery. Sephora By OPI Blue Grotto is the darkest and smokiest color of the three. It has a pretty good formula but I still find it kind of streaky like most SOPI polishes. I won’t even say how annoying I find the brush. Do you really need all three? Probably not but will you want all three if you are blue lover like me? Duh!
Thanks so much!
ok, now compare it to butter london blagger
lmao…I don't have that one.
They are all great, but Dating a Royal is my fave!
Great choice!
I would say it's my favorite too except that the formula is so sheer compared to the other two. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much!
ok, now compare it to butter london blagger 
lmao…I don’t have that one.
Oh noooooo…why did you do this to me lol "I'm blue da ba dee.." will be in my head for the rest of the day. Didnt even need to click on this post the second I read "I'm Blue" it already came to me haha.
BTW Essie is my pick of the 3
Hahaha! That song is so incredibly catchy and corny. I love it!
They are all great, but Dating a Royal is my fave!
Great choice!
I would say it’s my favorite too except that the formula is so sheer compared to the other two. Thanks for stopping by! 
Oh noooooo…why did you do this to me lol “I’m blue da ba dee..” will be in my head for the rest of the day. Didnt even need to click on this post the second I read “I’m Blue” it already came to me haha.
BTW Essie is my pick of the 3
Hahaha! That song is so incredibly catchy and corny. I love it!
LMAO now there's a song I couldn't get enough of in high school! That and Daft Punk's "Around the World". I really like "Dating a Royal". Do any of these stain at all in your experience?
OMG Around The World. hahahahahaha! I know I sound like an old fart, but the 90's seemed so much more interesting when it came to music. I miss that.
Actually, none of these three polishes stain my nails at all which is awesome. I did have a staining nightmare today with the nails inc polish that I used, though. Ugh! I still love it cause I'm crazy like that.
LMAO now there’s a song I couldn’t get enough of in high school! That and Daft Punk’s “Around the World”. I really like “Dating a Royal”. Do any of these stain at all in your experience?
OMG Around The World. hahahahahaha! I know I sound like an old fart, but the 90’s seemed so much more interesting when it came to music. I miss that.
Actually, none of these three polishes stain my nails at all which is awesome. I did have a staining nightmare today with the nails inc polish that I used, though. Ugh! I still love it cause I’m crazy like that.
Omg you make me want all of these blues! *sigh*
I am an enabler to the max, I know.
Omg you make me want all of these blues! *sigh*
I am an enabler to the max, I know.