Today I received my second SpaRitual delivery from You may recall that I ordered the SpaRitual Holiday Duo about two weeks ago during their Friends & Family Sale. I am a sucker for a sale, so I couldn’t resist getting this set at such a great price. Well, that was a major letdown when my package arrived and the actual box set was empty. I called them up and they re-ordered the set and sent it out to me. I’ve been waiting for these polishes for almost 2 weeks! I really want to try them out since I only have one other glittery SpaRitual polish, and the ones I ordered are cremes–my favorite finish. So this is take two:
Yay pretty box again!
Uhm, empty box…again?!?!?!?!?!?
You have got to be kidding me, right? Is someone playing a joke on me? I called again and the CSR told me that they are going to “investigate” the issue with the warehouse and that I will get a call back the next day. They offered to refund my money, but I’d rather wait and see what happens. I really want my nail polish, dammit!
And on the Alfie front, he is really coming into his own. If you don’t know much about wheatens, I suggest you watch this video:
I’m nearing a week that he has been here and he is starting to let his wheaten personality come out. Today he realized that he is a prodigious jumper which was just his stepping stone to the wheaten greetin’. He jumped up on a couple of people today to say hello. I know this is something that people try to train them out of doing, but I love that about them. I’m sure a lot of people would hate it if some random wheaten jumped up on them so I don’t know how I’m going to handle it yet. He jumped on some kids that we ran across on one of his potty breaks and then completely lost it once I got him back inside. He was running around like a bat out of hell. At one point he was running across the room towards his crate but he missed it and crashed into me since I was sitting near the crate and putting some of his toys away. I now have a huge bruise on my leg thanks to Alfs. He has also completely mastered going up and down the stairs, and now I just have to train him not to go so fast. Here are some Alfie pictures. I took these after he wore himself out horsing around like a lunatic.
The best part of my whole day was when Alfie licked my cheek and wagged his tail. He hadn’t done that to me yet so I am confident that he is making a lot of progress. I hope he continues to grow into the wheaten playfulness. I love my stinky little pup.
Aww, I melt!
Aw Gawd, so cute!
I was thinking this morning about how my little one took some time to come into her own. When I first got her she just sat like a bump on a log and I was concerned she wasn't going to be a very affectionate or interactive dog. That has definitely changed!
That is actually how I named her…I had been thinking of names and when I thought of it, my eyes flew open (I was in bed) and I went out to her and asked her what she thought of the name and she jumped up on me for the first time. And so she became Leeloo!
What a cute name!
I had picked out my dog's name way before I even thought I would get one. I wonder how many dogs named J. Alfred Prufrock exist…probably not many. No one is every going to call him that so Alfie will stick. As much as Alfie is improving, he's still far from what I imagined having a dog would be like. I'm going to continue to be patient and hope he realizes how much I love him.
OH, and also: GET IT TOGETHER, Spa Ritual and/or, LOL! I think I would've given up by now. However, those polishes will have an amusing story connected to them when you finally get them!
Yeah, no kidding! I can't believe this whole fiasco. I didn't get a call back today the way they had promised so I'm already starting to get annoyed. Don't tell customers you are going to do something and then not do it!!!!!
Wow, really, SpaRitual? TWICE? That's really sad. I am curious as to what they will tell you when they investigate though.
I watched that video! Did they really have to sub in dog panting noises? LOL I hate weird sound editing. It's my newest pet peeve. We just started watching The Walking Dead last night and I LOVE it, but I hate how they edited in zombie noises later. I can just tell. Actors can't make that noise? UGH!
My boyfriend really loves Aussie Shepherd, but Im scared I won't be able to rear the dog properly because they are so high energy and so intelligent. I asked about a Pomeranian and was immediately told "NO!" LOL.
They're going to tell me that they're morons. lol Well, probably not. They already flaked on getting back to me so I'm not expecting much. I hate the panting noises too! Alfie pants a lot when he's stressed. Today I took him on a 5 minute car ride to grab some dinner with a friend and we brought it back home. He was super stressed in the car. His panting and drooling were out of control and then he threw up when we got back to my place. Poor Alfs. He had a hard day today. Well, I don't know much about australian shepherds but I'm already freaking out that I won't know how to train Alfie. He is a little out of control on the leash and that worries me. I wouldn't want a pom either! lol Are you really thinking about getting a dog?
Our place is too small for a dog… As much as my boyfriend would love one (he is a self proclaimed dog person, though he loves the cat very much) it wouldnt be fair to have the kind of dog he wants (medium sized dog) in an apartment this small. Cats, yes. Dogs, no. I KNOW cats. I am the cat whisperer, but Dogs stump me so much! LOL
I can't believe they sent you an empty box twice! They should send you the polishes AND refund your money for all the hassle they've caused.
Alfie is such a cutie! And I personally like it when random dogs greet me, and even jump up to do it, but I understand that not everyone feels this way. XD
I do find it beyond silly. I know mistakes happen but this is just too much. I hope they do come of with an acceptable solution because I've been pretty patient. We shall see!
Alfie is a big brat but it's my fault.
He is so spoiled already so I know I have to stop. I can't want to get him into some kind of obedience class because I'm a dunce when it comes to all that. As much as I think I am a dog whisperer, I'm definitely NOT! Alfie is picky with who he greets that way. It's very intimidating to a lot of people who don't know why they do that.
Aww, I melt!
Aw Gawd, so cute!
I was thinking this morning about how my little one took some time to come into her own. When I first got her she just sat like a bump on a log and I was concerned she wasn’t going to be a very affectionate or interactive dog. That has definitely changed!
That is actually how I named her…I had been thinking of names and when I thought of it, my eyes flew open (I was in bed) and I went out to her and asked her what she thought of the name and she jumped up on me for the first time. And so she became Leeloo!
What a cute name!
I had picked out my dog’s name way before I even thought I would get one. I wonder how many dogs named J. Alfred Prufrock exist…probably not many. No one is every going to call him that so Alfie will stick. As much as Alfie is improving, he’s still far from what I imagined having a dog would be like. I’m going to continue to be patient and hope he realizes how much I love him.
OH, and also: GET IT TOGETHER, Spa Ritual and/or, LOL! I think I would’ve given up by now. However, those polishes will have an amusing story connected to them when you finally get them!
Yeah, no kidding! I can’t believe this whole fiasco. I didn’t get a call back today the way they had promised so I’m already starting to get annoyed. Don’t tell customers you are going to do something and then not do it!!!!!
Wow, really, SpaRitual? TWICE? That’s really sad. I am curious as to what they will tell you when they investigate though.
I watched that video! Did they really have to sub in dog panting noises? LOL I hate weird sound editing. It’s my newest pet peeve. We just started watching The Walking Dead last night and I LOVE it, but I hate how they edited in zombie noises later. I can just tell. Actors can’t make that noise? UGH!
My boyfriend really loves Aussie Shepherd, but Im scared I won’t be able to rear the dog properly because they are so high energy and so intelligent. I asked about a Pomeranian and was immediately told “NO!” LOL.
They’re going to tell me that they’re morons. lol Well, probably not. They already flaked on getting back to me so I’m not expecting much. I hate the panting noises too! Alfie pants a lot when he’s stressed. Today I took him on a 5 minute car ride to grab some dinner with a friend and we brought it back home. He was super stressed in the car. His panting and drooling were out of control and then he threw up when we got back to my place. Poor Alfs. He had a hard day today. Well, I don’t know much about australian shepherds but I’m already freaking out that I won’t know how to train Alfie. He is a little out of control on the leash and that worries me. I wouldn’t want a pom either! lol Are you really thinking about getting a dog?
Our place is too small for a dog… As much as my boyfriend would love one (he is a self proclaimed dog person, though he loves the cat very much) it wouldnt be fair to have the kind of dog he wants (medium sized dog) in an apartment this small. Cats, yes. Dogs, no. I KNOW cats. I am the cat whisperer, but Dogs stump me so much! LOL
I can’t believe they sent you an empty box twice! They should send you the polishes AND refund your money for all the hassle they’ve caused.
Alfie is such a cutie! And I personally like it when random dogs greet me, and even jump up to do it, but I understand that not everyone feels this way. XD
I do find it beyond silly. I know mistakes happen but this is just too much. I hope they do come of with an acceptable solution because I’ve been pretty patient. We shall see!
Alfie is a big brat but it’s my fault.
He is so spoiled already so I know I have to stop. I can’t want to get him into some kind of obedience class because I’m a dunce when it comes to all that. As much as I think I am a dog whisperer, I’m definitely NOT! Alfie is picky with who he greets that way. It’s very intimidating to a lot of people who don’t know why they do that.
I almost died when you said empty box again!!! I was totally expecting a "JUST KIDDING" after that! That's unbelievable. I totally agree with Sophie, I think they should refund your money AND send the polishes. That is absolutely ridiculous. They better not be "investigating" in a way that they're not believing you. How ridiculous. I almost bought a 50% off groupon or living social deal and now I'm glad I didn't cuz it seems like they're awfully flaky. Good lucky with that!
Alfie is so dang cute!! I love his little brownish body and gray and black face. He is so cute!
I would definitely train him not to jump up on people, but that's up to you. It'd be cute to teach him to do it as a trick or something… my big dog is just too big to be jumping on anyone so I guess that's where my opinion comes from. I'm glad things are getting settled. I knew they would
Oh and PS: I usually read your blog on my phone so I see the mobile version so maybe this is dumb but.. did you change the layout of your blog? Looks good but different.
Yes, I did change it.
I wasn't thinking that they were investigating a way to screw me over, but now I am! Ugh….I'm going to be so pissed if they don't make this right for me. Looks like it's my first AND last purchase!
I know Alfie is a really good dog. I can't even imagine if he was really acting out and being a hell raiser. I get overwhelmed because this is my first experience with taking care of a dog so I know eventually I won't be so paranoid. He's napping right now and I'm wondering how big he's going to get. He'll be 5 months in 4 days and he already weighs 23 lbs. I really do want him to be jumpy but I'm probably better off with him being calm the way he is now.
Hopefully they'll just refund your money and send you out your product. OR at least just finally SEND you the dang polishes. That's so crazy!! Good luck.
Alfie is SO cute. I love hid brown eyes peeking out! I'm so glad that his personality is coming out and that you two are bonding SO well! You are a totally wonderful fur-mom! I love reading about Alfie and his adventures!
Thanks Mavel.
He is such a brat and I never realized how hard it would be. No matter how many times everyone told me it would be tons of work, I still didn't get it. But, I don't regret getting him at all.
I almost died when you said empty box again!!! I was totally expecting a “JUST KIDDING” after that! That’s unbelievable. I totally agree with Sophie, I think they should refund your money AND send the polishes. That is absolutely ridiculous. They better not be “investigating” in a way that they’re not believing you. How ridiculous. I almost bought a 50% off groupon or living social deal and now I’m glad I didn’t cuz it seems like they’re awfully flaky. Good lucky with that!
Alfie is so dang cute!! I love his little brownish body and gray and black face. He is so cute!
I would definitely train him not to jump up on people, but that’s up to you. It’d be cute to teach him to do it as a trick or something… my big dog is just too big to be jumping on anyone so I guess that’s where my opinion comes from. I’m glad things are getting settled. I knew they would 
Oh and PS: I usually read your blog on my phone so I see the mobile version so maybe this is dumb but.. did you change the layout of your blog? Looks good but different.
Yes, I did change it.
I wasn’t thinking that they were investigating a way to screw me over, but now I am! Ugh….I’m going to be so pissed if they don’t make this right for me. Looks like it’s my first AND last purchase!
I know Alfie is a really good dog. I can’t even imagine if he was really acting out and being a hell raiser. I get overwhelmed because this is my first experience with taking care of a dog so I know eventually I won’t be so paranoid. He’s napping right now and I’m wondering how big he’s going to get. He’ll be 5 months in 4 days and he already weighs 23 lbs. I really do want him to be jumpy but I’m probably better off with him being calm the way he is now.
Hopefully they’ll just refund your money and send you out your product. OR at least just finally SEND you the dang polishes. That’s so crazy!! Good luck.
Alfie is SO cute. I love hid brown eyes peeking out! I’m so glad that his personality is coming out and that you two are bonding SO well! You are a totally wonderful fur-mom! I love reading about Alfie and his adventures!
Thanks Mavel.
He is such a brat and I never realized how hard it would be. No matter how many times everyone told me it would be tons of work, I still didn’t get it. But, I don’t regret getting him at all.
Omg I would have had a panic attack if I opened an empty box. Thats never happened to me before, hope I didnt just jinx myself *crossing fingers* I'm glad they sent you a replacement. I'm always afraid CS will be bad and blame it on me if something like that happens.
And Alfie….I want to squish and cuddle his furry little face every time I see his pic!
Oh, I forgot to mention I like your new layout, I was confused at first and thought I was in the wrong place until I saw Alfie's face…then he distracted me again.
I would have been so mad! And your puppy is so cute! I can't wait until I have my own place and can get my own! I read your blog everyday, but usually from my phone so I can't comment on the posts! But know that I'm reading!
Thanks Olivia!
Alfie is a cutie pie even if he's a little bonkers. He's actually a great pup and is very well-behaved compared to some other pups I have seen. Do you know what kind of dog you want to get?
I really like Welsh Corgies! But I also like cotons! Soooo cute! <a href="http://cdn” target=”_blank”>http://cdn <a href="…” target=”_blank”>
Omg I would have had a panic attack if I opened an empty box. Thats never happened to me before, hope I didnt just jinx myself *crossing fingers* I’m glad they sent you a replacement. I’m always afraid CS will be bad and blame it on me if something like that happens.
And Alfie….I want to squish and cuddle his furry little face every time I see his pic!
Oh, I forgot to mention I like your new layout, I was confused at first and thought I was in the wrong place until I saw Alfie’s face…then he distracted me again.
I would have been so mad! And your puppy is so cute! I can’t wait until I have my own place and can get my own! I read your blog everyday, but usually from my phone so I can’t comment on the posts! But know that I’m reading!
Thanks Olivia!
Alfie is a cutie pie even if he’s a little bonkers. He’s actually a great pup and is very well-behaved compared to some other pups I have seen. Do you know what kind of dog you want to get?
I really like Welsh Corgies! But I also like cotons! Soooo cute!