Today I got to try my first Deborah Lippmann polish: Let’s Hear It For The Boy. It’s one of the 4 polishes I got on super-sale-clearance on HSN. Considering how much people rave about this brand, I thought that angels would sing and a ray of divine light would illuminate me when I opened the bottle. (That only happens when it’s Vodka) The first thing I noticed is that I do not like the handle on the brush. It’s too small for me. *That’s what she said*
Despite how awkward the handle felt in my hand, I absolutely loved the brush. It was so easy to apply the polish in a very precise manner so I basically had no clean up. The formula was pretty good but I don’t know about $16-good. Something weird happened with my top coat. I think that it has thickened up so it did not apply evenly. As you can see, the tips of my nails look like the top coat shrunk a bit. Weird…
I’ve really been into using my dotting tools lately so I did this simple pattern as an accent nail. I like how it turned out.
I have an update on my puppy quest! I spoke with my landlady today and she let me know that the pet deposit would be $450 which I can make payments on if I want to. I thought that was really nice of her. I am so happy that I got the ok from everyone involved in this process so that when I am financially ready to get my Alfie, I don’t have to do anymore paperwork. Of course I’d love to go out and get him right this second, but I’m trying to be responsible and make sure that I have enough money saved up to anticipate some extra expenses.
Last week I was going to write a post about people invading your personal space in public but forgot about it until today. I was waiting in line at the supermarket and some guy got behind me and placed his stuff on the conveyor belt even though there was no space left: he just pushed my stuff. Just like that. Not cool. I didn’t want to seem uptight so I didn’t say anything but then I could feel that he was way too close to me. Sorry buddy: if I can feel your breath on the back of my neck and smell your disgusting breath, then yes you are invading my space. So what did I do? I turned around and stood there facing him. Was it awkward? A little bit in the beginning but I love that he took a couple of steps back and looked away. It reminded me of the time that my sociology professor in college asked us to do an experiment as part of our homework. She told us to get on an elevator and stand facing the people who were already there instead of walking in and turning around to face the doors like everyone else. It was kind of comical to see how uncomfortable it made people! They were trying to look away, fiddle with their phones…they looked nervous. Anyway, back to Mr. Stank Ass Breath. When the line moved forward, he once again was up on my back…what the hell was his problem? He was literally standing right over me when I was trying to enter my PIN on the card reader so I asked him: “Do you mind?” He seemed confused which made me think that he just did not understand the concept of having a space bubble. Either that or he was just an asshole who was trying to get my pin.
I am totally sad that House is ending tonight. The last episode is going to start in a few minutes so I can’t wait to see how it all ends. What are some of your favorite shows right now?
How much is shipping on HSN? I saw this along with some dark blue polish on there for like 10 bucks and thought about getting them even tho the shades aren't really mind blowing. I'd just kinda like to try some DLs. I like this blue color tho. Ever since I got Whimsical I think I need a perfect baby blue. I wore Whimsical over For Audrey tho today and it's perfect!!
I still want a baby blue.
That's funny about turning around and facing him. Every sociology and psychology teacher much give that example because I remember one of my teachers (although I seem to think it was psychology) told me the exact same thing. I have a real issue with personal space and a couple years ago on Black Friday this guy was like RIGHT ON MY BUTT at Old Navy and it was making me so angry and like stressed out that eventually I had to have my brother get directly behind me and elbow the guy for me. Haha. Seriously tho that drives me crazy! I don't even like it when my husband is like right in my face… I sound really weird now but the only people I really don't mind touching my casually are kids. That doesn't bug me but I was never one to like hug all my friends and hold hands or anything. I'm a cold, cold freak.
Oooo…Whimsical over For Audrey…great idea, Nicole! Checkity check on the "to try" list. As for a good baby blue, try checking out OCC's Pool Boy. Maybe a tad brighter than baby blue, but it's a good one.
I usually refuse to pay for shipping. I think it's usually such a rip off so I get mad about it…that's why I rarely purchase anything on HSN. The shipping was $4 for the first duo and $2 for the second duo. I guess that's not bad, but it still pisses me off.
I don't mind people I know to be close to me like that…it's just random strangers especially if they smell. lol I think I am normal affectionate with friends and family…always hug and/or kiss everyone because that's just what I've always done since I was a kid. I also get kinda stressed out when people just aren't respectful of my personal space.
I think these polishes are a super deal and I really like this baby blue.
If I were you, I'd snatch it up even if it's just to try out the DL formula.
I don't mind hugging and kissing my family but idk… I'm just weird about other people. haha. Maybe I will snatch up those DLs…. except I've spent all my polish money on polish at Sally's over the last couple days! Whoops!
Gorgeous polish, and your dots look great. They're so perfect – mine always turn out slightly wonky. XD
That man at the supermarket sounds like a *very rude word*. I love your reaction though! I hate it when people are too close to me as well. I don't like having my back to people, either. When I was at school one of my male friends would frequently sneak up behind me and squeeze me around my waist with his hands – I think it's made me paranoid for life!
Thank you!
Oh man…if someone had done that to me repeatedly, I would be paranoid too. It's such a creepy feeling when someone sneaks up on you.
How much is shipping on HSN? I saw this along with some dark blue polish on there for like 10 bucks and thought about getting them even tho the shades aren’t really mind blowing. I’d just kinda like to try some DLs. I like this blue color tho. Ever since I got Whimsical I think I need a perfect baby blue. I wore Whimsical over For Audrey tho today and it’s perfect!!
I still want a baby blue.
That’s funny about turning around and facing him. Every sociology and psychology teacher much give that example because I remember one of my teachers (although I seem to think it was psychology) told me the exact same thing. I have a real issue with personal space and a couple years ago on Black Friday this guy was like RIGHT ON MY BUTT at Old Navy and it was making me so angry and like stressed out that eventually I had to have my brother get directly behind me and elbow the guy for me. Haha. Seriously tho that drives me crazy! I don’t even like it when my husband is like right in my face… I sound really weird now but the only people I really don’t mind touching my casually are kids. That doesn’t bug me but I was never one to like hug all my friends and hold hands or anything. I’m a cold, cold freak.
Oooo…Whimsical over For Audrey…great idea, Nicole! Checkity check on the “to try” list. As for a good baby blue, try checking out OCC’s Pool Boy. Maybe a tad brighter than baby blue, but it’s a good one.
I usually refuse to pay for shipping. I think it’s usually such a rip off so I get mad about it…that’s why I rarely purchase anything on HSN. The shipping was $4 for the first duo and $2 for the second duo. I guess that’s not bad, but it still pisses me off.
I don’t mind people I know to be close to me like that…it’s just random strangers especially if they smell. lol I think I am normal affectionate with friends and family…always hug and/or kiss everyone because that’s just what I’ve always done since I was a kid. I also get kinda stressed out when people just aren’t respectful of my personal space.
I think these polishes are a super deal and I really like this baby blue.
If I were you, I’d snatch it up even if it’s just to try out the DL formula.
I don’t mind hugging and kissing my family but idk… I’m just weird about other people. haha. Maybe I will snatch up those DLs…. except I’ve spent all my polish money on polish at Sally’s over the last couple days! Whoops!
Gorgeous polish, and your dots look great. They’re so perfect – mine always turn out slightly wonky. XD
That man at the supermarket sounds like a *very rude word*. I love your reaction though! I hate it when people are too close to me as well. I don’t like having my back to people, either. When I was at school one of my male friends would frequently sneak up behind me and squeeze me around my waist with his hands – I think it’s made me paranoid for life!
Thank you!
Oh man…if someone had done that to me repeatedly, I would be paranoid too. It’s such a creepy feeling when someone sneaks up on you.
I just had to comment because you posted a "that's what she said" montage, lol.
LOL. The Office is one of my favorite shows ever.
Me, too! I REALLY want that Essie collection you posted to be real, lol. We should petition!
Regarding polish: I'm not yet sure if DL is worth the price tag, either. My friend bought me Across the Universe. It is beautiful, but I chipped the s&*! out of it the first time I wore it. Maybe I need to mess around with it more. I have the Get the Party Started set. Happy Birthday is nice, but there are probably 1,347 dupes at this point. I was happily impressed with Candy Shop…I am NOT a light pink gal, but I really enjoyed wearing that color. I think Forget You will be my favorite (although I feel it is slightly tarnished because I CANNOT STAND that song), but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. I also bought Don't Tell Mama off of eBay, which will be my first non-glitter DL, but I again haven't tried it yet. I have too many untrieds because I am a polish psycho!
I am probably most successful with dotting than other nail art, but sometimes my top coat smudges them and I hate that!
I have a friend that is ruthless when it comes to personal space. I clearly recall being in line at Safeway in a similar situation as you and she just loudly talked about how some people have no concept of personal space, lol.
I was never a consistent House watcher, but I enjoyed the episodes I've seen. Hugh Laurie REALLY visually reminds me of an ex-boyfriend, and then I am like weirdly attracted to him, and then I can't seperate being attracted to him just in a tv crush-type way or if it's because he looks like the ex-boyfriend, and it's just kind of weird and that's probably why I never fully got into the show, lol.
Ok, you have a crapton of DL polishes compared to me. haha! I only got these because of the price and I saw some swatches and they looked decent. One thing I refuse to do is to buy an expensive glitter. When I do buy glitter, it has to be on the cheap because it feels like such a waste for me since I will rarely wear it. I bought some butter London glitters and I have never regretted a polish purchase more than those glitters!!!!!!
I would go bananas if the Essie Office collection was for real. I doubt that it is, though. The Office is no longer in its heyday so it wouldn't make that much sense…unless it's like a farewell collection. LOL I'll say anything to make it seem plausible.
As far as the smudging goes, I wait for it the dots to dry to the touch, then I kind of press my hole nail with my fingers. Then I run my hands under cold water. I have no idea if that even makes sense but it seems to keep the design from smudging. I do the same with Konad but it's so much harder to not smudge that because that polish is just so thick and never fully dries.
I soooooooo get how you feel about House/Hugh Laurie. He is one tall drink of water as far as I'm concerned. I was going to say that there is a character actor that I have seen on a few shows over the years that looks so much like an ex too. And I kind of hate him (my ex) so I almost cringe every time I see that actor. I don't even know what his name is. lol
Well, I have five, and you have four, right? So we're close, except four of mine are glitters, lol.
I made a point of sticking with The Office after Steve Carrell left, and it didn't go downhill as rapidly as I expected, but it is hit-and-miss for sure. I thought they did a good job with the finale, though (I guess I am mainly referring to Dwight and Angela).
That is a good tip. I forgot that ice water is supposed to help set polish. I went crazy on Amazon once and bought a bunch of Konad supplies, but have yet to use them. I need to get on that. I self-defeat because I worry I will ruin the manicure that I took time to do and then it will be a wasted effort, but I haven't even tried!
Random story lest you wonder who this person is who is posting: I was browsing Sephora and saw they started carrying Spa Ritual. I don't have any of the brand and was looking for some swatches of some of their colors and came upon your blog (I didn't buy the color that led me here; it looks different than in the bottle and it reminds me of an Orly FX color). But you live in CA, you like nail polish, The Office, and dogs, like me, and I saw that you posted that you like it when people comment, sooo…here I am!
Yeah…I guess I don't know how to count. lol Whenever polish is involved, I think my brain short-circuits a little bit. You have to give your Konad stuff a try. When I first started using it, I had the same concern so what I did was that I applied extra top coat…that way I could use some lint free cotton and rub off some of the top coat with acetone and not smudge the actual color. Then if I needed to restamp, it didn't look messy once I added the final layer of top coat. Hope that made sense! Honestly it's just a matter of practice when it comes to Konad. Once you figure out what works best for you, it's a breeze.
Thanks for letting me know how you stumbled upon my blog. Did you buy any SpaRitual polishes? I'm expecting two more that I ordered from last week during their 20% off sale. I really do appreciate that you have kept reading and commenting despite me being such a spaz.
I just had to comment because you posted a “that’s what she said” montage, lol.
LOL. The Office is one of my favorite shows ever.
Me, too! I REALLY want that Essie collection you posted to be real, lol. We should petition!
Regarding polish: I’m not yet sure if DL is worth the price tag, either. My friend bought me Across the Universe. It is beautiful, but I chipped the s&*! out of it the first time I wore it. Maybe I need to mess around with it more. I have the Get the Party Started set. Happy Birthday is nice, but there are probably 1,347 dupes at this point. I was happily impressed with Candy Shop…I am NOT a light pink gal, but I really enjoyed wearing that color. I think Forget You will be my favorite (although I feel it is slightly tarnished because I CANNOT STAND that song), but haven’t gotten around to trying it yet. I also bought Don’t Tell Mama off of eBay, which will be my first non-glitter DL, but I again haven’t tried it yet. I have too many untrieds because I am a polish psycho!
I am probably most successful with dotting than other nail art, but sometimes my top coat smudges them and I hate that!
I have a friend that is ruthless when it comes to personal space. I clearly recall being in line at Safeway in a similar situation as you and she just loudly talked about how some people have no concept of personal space, lol.
I was never a consistent House watcher, but I enjoyed the episodes I’ve seen. Hugh Laurie REALLY visually reminds me of an ex-boyfriend, and then I am like weirdly attracted to him, and then I can’t seperate being attracted to him just in a tv crush-type way or if it’s because he looks like the ex-boyfriend, and it’s just kind of weird and that’s probably why I never fully got into the show, lol.
Ok, you have a crapton of DL polishes compared to me. haha! I only got these because of the price and I saw some swatches and they looked decent. One thing I refuse to do is to buy an expensive glitter. When I do buy glitter, it has to be on the cheap because it feels like such a waste for me since I will rarely wear it. I bought some butter London glitters and I have never regretted a polish purchase more than those glitters!!!!!!
I would go bananas if the Essie Office collection was for real. I doubt that it is, though. The Office is no longer in its heyday so it wouldn’t make that much sense…unless it’s like a farewell collection. LOL I’ll say anything to make it seem plausible.
As far as the smudging goes, I wait for it the dots to dry to the touch, then I kind of press my hole nail with my fingers. Then I run my hands under cold water. I have no idea if that even makes sense but it seems to keep the design from smudging. I do the same with Konad but it’s so much harder to not smudge that because that polish is just so thick and never fully dries.
I soooooooo get how you feel about House/Hugh Laurie. He is one tall drink of water as far as I’m concerned. I was going to say that there is a character actor that I have seen on a few shows over the years that looks so much like an ex too. And I kind of hate him (my ex) so I almost cringe every time I see that actor. I don’t even know what his name is. lol
Well, I have five, and you have four, right? So we’re close, except four of mine are glitters, lol.
I made a point of sticking with The Office after Steve Carrell left, and it didn’t go downhill as rapidly as I expected, but it is hit-and-miss for sure. I thought they did a good job with the finale, though (I guess I am mainly referring to Dwight and Angela).
That is a good tip. I forgot that ice water is supposed to help set polish. I went crazy on Amazon once and bought a bunch of Konad supplies, but have yet to use them. I need to get on that. I self-defeat because I worry I will ruin the manicure that I took time to do and then it will be a wasted effort, but I haven’t even tried!
Random story lest you wonder who this person is who is posting: I was browsing Sephora and saw they started carrying Spa Ritual. I don’t have any of the brand and was looking for some swatches of some of their colors and came upon your blog (I didn’t buy the color that led me here; it looks different than in the bottle and it reminds me of an Orly FX color). But you live in CA, you like nail polish, The Office, and dogs, like me, and I saw that you posted that you like it when people comment, sooo…here I am!
Yeah…I guess I don’t know how to count. lol Whenever polish is involved, I think my brain short-circuits a little bit. You have to give your Konad stuff a try. When I first started using it, I had the same concern so what I did was that I applied extra top coat…that way I could use some lint free cotton and rub off some of the top coat with acetone and not smudge the actual color. Then if I needed to restamp, it didn’t look messy once I added the final layer of top coat. Hope that made sense! Honestly it’s just a matter of practice when it comes to Konad. Once you figure out what works best for you, it’s a breeze.
Thanks for letting me know how you stumbled upon my blog. Did you buy any SpaRitual polishes? I’m expecting two more that I ordered from last week during their 20% off sale. I really do appreciate that you have kept reading and commenting despite me being such a spaz.
Wow, that is a fancy-schmancy erasing tactic right there! I have also read that you can practive stamping on an old manicure before you remove it. Common sense stuff, I guess…I just need to do it!
I currently don't have any SpaRitual polishes. I totally neglected the sale, although that is probably good for my bank account!
Wow, that is a fancy-schmancy erasing tactic right there! I have also read that you can practive stamping on an old manicure before you remove it. Common sense stuff, I guess…I just need to do it!
I currently don’t have any SpaRitual polishes. I totally neglected the sale, although that is probably good for my bank account!
I like this baby blue on you. I'm just starting to venture outside of pinks/purples/reds/nudes and into blues and greens. I'm just scared that blues and greens are not going to compliment my skin tone. I love the dots….so whimsical!
I think we have almost the same skin tone, no? I'm a 128 in Mufe HD as a reference. I honestly wear whatever color I want even if it looks kinda weird on me.
I like this baby blue on you. I’m just starting to venture outside of pinks/purples/reds/nudes and into blues and greens. I’m just scared that blues and greens are not going to compliment my skin tone. I love the dots….so whimsical!
I think we have almost the same skin tone, no? I’m a 128 in Mufe HD as a reference. I honestly wear whatever color I want even if it looks kinda weird on me.