“Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido.” – Pablo Neruda
That quotation comes from one of my favorite poems by the great Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda. It roughly translates to “Love is so short and forgetting is so long.” It is part of his work, Twenty Love Poems And A Song Of Despair which fed my soul through much heartache. A breakup can be such a traumatic event and today I am going to tell you about the breakup of a 13 year old relationship. Yes, you read correctly: 13 years!! Today I decided that my love affair with Sephora has come to an end. Why, you ask? Let me tell you…
I still remember the first time I saw the black and white signage for Sephora on the Champs-Elysées. I was a 20 year old student who had never left the confines of my cozy Southern California existence for an extended international experience. I instantly fell in love with Sephora. I loved everything about it. I especially loved how I was free to peruse without feeling like the salespeople were giving me the evil eye. Yes, everything you’ve heard about “customer service” in Paris is true. When my year abroad was up, I was sad to leave Sephora behind since I didn’t know if we had one anywhere near me back home. Soon after, I started a job that allowed me to travel a lot internationally so I never forgot Sephora and visited every time I was in France. Eventually I started ordering from them online and then a store opened up near me…I was in heaven. Since then, I have been an extremely loyal customer and always tell friends and family about the amazing products and service…until today. Over the last year, I have seen the perks and customer service decline and decline, the worst offenders being those responsible for the moderation of the Sephora Facebook page.
If you’ve never visited the Sephora Facebook page, consider yourself lucky as it is usually quite a mess. If you ever post anything that isn’t completely praising them, they will usually either delete or filter out your comment so no one else can see it. It doesn’t matter how politely you state your issue, feedback or question—if it’s not praise, chances are that it might get censored. This recently became very personal when a friend of mine was BANNED from their Facebook page for asking for help when no one was really making an effort to solve her problems in private message conversations, emails and phone calls. Not only did they pretty much continue to ignore her request for help in solving her customer service problems, but they also made her feel like she didn’t matter. That is not cool with me at all.
In the last year, I have noticed a steep decline in perks for VIB’s as well. VIB (Very Important BeautyInsider) is a level you reach in their BeautyInsider program once you spend $350 in one calendar year which means that you spend a decent amount of money at Sephora. Anyone who is a VIB can tell you that we spend enough money at Sephora to become VIB’s a few times over each year. This year, they created quite a stir by NOT offering their Friends & Family Sale discount to the public. Before you say that we shouldn’t feel entitled to a discount, I feel that if they had communicated this properly to their customers, many of us would have purchased directly from all the other brands that recently had their Friends & Family Sales that were open to EVERYONE. Many of us waited because we wanted to purchase from Sephora and instead we are now being given the boot. Let me make this clear: I don’t think Sephora owes us any kind of perk, but it is obvious that offering perks benefits them in the end. If you are a VIB, there will be a 20% off sale in November, but that is a whole separate thing from the F&F sale, and most people won’t be able to take advantage of it anyway. And don’t get me started on the joke that was the spin to win game…
Am I saying I will never again shop at Sephora? No. I am saying that because of their hit or miss customer service, the ridiculous handling of their Facebook page and the lack of communication with their loyal customers, I won’t be recommending Sephora to others nor will I purchase anything from them that I can easily get somewhere else. I’m sad that it had to come to this, but it’s time for me to find another main squeeze that will truly appreciate my business.
So, in order to commemorate a love affair gone wrong, I am having a Sephora breakup giveaway. Up for grabs are three sets of some of my favorite nail polishes:
Prize #1 Jessica Pumpkin Delight, Jessica Cinnamon Kiss & OPI On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Prize #2 Sation Oh My Oceania!, Sation Rock-a-Guy Blue & Sation Power To The Purple
Prize #3 essence Fame Fatal, essence Gorgeous Bling Bling & essence Chic Reloaded
All polishes are brand new and purchased by me. This giveaway is open worldwide.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Again, I am not telling you to never shop at Sephora again. What I am saying is that Sephora no longer holds a place of esteem for me. These are my personal feelings stemming from what I have seen from the company lately. I have had many pleasant experiences with Sephora over the years so it is truly disheartening to see their customer service and overall attitude circle the drain. Feel free to leave comments below–whether you agree or disagree. I won’t be censoring comments.
When there are so many choices out there for us, you would think that a company like Sephora would make customer service and satisfaction a top priority, but I guess we—the customers—aren’t as important as we thought we were. Thank you, Sephora, for the wonderful years. Too bad it had to end this way.
First, so sad for your feelings about Sephora…

But thanks for the great giveaway!
I like the prizes the way you`ve showd them- 1,2 and 3.
Number 2, 3, 1
No. 1 – prize 1, No. 2 – prize 2, No. 3 – prize 3.
Really sorry to hear about your experience with Sephora.
It’s always so annoying when something o longer lives up to the standards it has set! I love prize 1, as I have never had Jessica or opi polishes. I don’t mind which prize out of 2 and 3.
I’ve heard from several people, that have the same complaints you do. I personally don’t shop at sephora a lot because every single time I walk into one of their stores I feel like I can’t get anyone to help when I do but when I don’t they are all over me like stink on s**t.
Anyway…thanks for the great giveaway hun! I’d be glad to win any of them the great prizes here, I don’t own any of these babies!
Gini@Sassy Paints recently posted..100 Facebook Likes Giveaway Winners Announced!!!
2 please!
That sucks, but I know exactly how you feel. There’s nothing like lousy crappy cust. svce. to totally turn you off of something. Love the Station grouping, #2.
1,3, then #2. I like the reds in #3 a lot, but that cinammon is amazing!
prize 1, 3, 2
Prize 1,3, 2
My favorite prizes are in this order: 2, 1, 3. But they are all awesome!
I’m sorry to hear about your Sephora experiences.
Thanks for the giveaway! The order of prizes that I would like, from most wanted to least wanted is: Prize #1, Prize #3, and then Prize #2. <3!
Prizes 2, 1, 3
Here is a nice giveaway!
I agree on the fact that the customer service of Sephora is declining (even here in France) so I think your decision is reasonable!
The order in which I would love to win the prizes is : 3, 2, 1.
I like prize 2 because I have never seen this polish where I live in podunk TX. But I would love to win any prize! I used to love Sephora but because of job reasons and lack of $$$ I haven’t ordered from them in about a year. So sad they are going downhill like everything else. I did goto Ulta this weekend and ask if they had the Zoya Ornate collection yet. And the girl said “What’s Zoya?”. I said nevermind I will find it myself. LOL
Omg…lol Thank you for making me laugh. “What’s Zoya?” LMAO!! I got the same response when I asked them about the Layla Holos. “Layla? What’s a holo?” My nearest Ulta has really been improving, and I like that I can buy higher end stuff as well as drugstore items. In previous years, I would usually qualify for VIB by like February…lol However, this year I didn’t re-qualify until like August so I have been slowing down my spending too. Part of it was just that they weren’t having any offers that actually appealed to me. I think I read somewhere that the beauty industry is recession-proof…guess that makes certain companies like they don’t have to work hard to keep their customers.
I like all your prizes, but if I would win I would choose 1, 2, 3 in that order. Thanks for the giveaway!
1, 2, 3
i haven’t really bought anything from them, but heard a few horror stories
I’m sorry about sephora
First choice is prize 2, then prize 1, then prize 3!
I’m sorry to hear about your experience with sephora.
I like prizes 3,2,1
prize 1,2,3 thaks for the giveaway ,I havent really had that much experience with sephora and there really isnt one near by. thank you bringing this topic up as I now know what to another side to it if they open up one near by .i can keep this in mind
I don’t really shop at Sephora so I had no idea this was going on. But thanks for the heads up!
I like Prize #1 and #2. But since I love nail polish I would take all three if I could, lol
1, 2 and 3
Number 2 is the prettiest. I’ve never been to a Sephora, tehre were comments that it was coming to Latin America though…
Prize 1,2,3
I have the same problems with Julep. I’ve never shopped with Sephora, so I can’t say about them, but Julep, I’ve found, is really bad in the customer service department, too!
NailsLikeLace recently posted..Saran Wrap Mani – Wet’n’Wild Sunny Side Up and Zoya Reagan
2, 1, 3
NailsLikeLace recently posted..Saran Wrap Mani – Wet’n’Wild Sunny Side Up and Zoya Reagan
I’m sorry to hear about your experience with Sephora… Prizes 2, 1 and then 3
My prize preference would probably be #1, #3, then #2 (I can’t always pull off super cool colors, even though I love them!). Thanks for asking! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I’ve never contacted Sephora with customer service complaints and never had this problem. I can understand them not wanting negative comments on their Facebook cover page, but that’s unacceptable if they simply ignore inquiries behind the scenes…
Jacee recently posted..Need to rack up on indie polish? — Etsy giveaway!
1- Jessica & OPI, 2- Sation, 3- Essence
if i were you, i wouldn’t buy again in sephora.. i’m like that..i broke up with Zara and now, i haven’t bought new clothes in panama since my bday (april) because i don’t like the stores we have here..
btw, i love prize 1
mariaemmafaria recently posted..Craquelado Rosa \ BCA
I totally get your frustrations with Sephora. That is all I will say about it LOL
I like 1, 2, and 3 in that order

Nat recently posted..butter LONDON 2 Fingered Salute
You know all too well how I feel about Sephora, so I’ll keep my rant out of this lol. #2,#1 and #3
1, 3, 2 =]
maria elena recently posted..my favorite shops giveaway #1
i know i’m not the only reason for this blog post, but i know i’m the BANNED chick! ahahahahaah!!! when a person treats me poorly, i stop giving them my attention, so it stands to reason that when a company would do the same, what would be the point of me paying their salaries? my last communications with them, their “social media” department was completely condescending in their manner to me ~ and i’m going to spend my money there? um, NO. ahahahahaah! jerkfaces!
of your polishes, i love #2 & #3, but i wish luck to all the participants and just LOVE you to pieces for doing THIS giveaway, since i truly feel your support during MY horrible time with sephora, so i don’t even care if i win or not!!!
why in the world would anyone Bann such an awsome woman??? OMG! I`m offended… wait offensive… no wait
probably #2,#1, then #3 but they are all great.kinda hard to decide that one
heidi recently posted..get extra money FREE!!
Sorry to read about your troubles. But I am sure it won’t be long before you find a new squeeze to replace Sephora
Thank you for running this giveaway. My preference is #1, #3, #2.
Caroline CurvyWordy recently posted..My Blog’s First Birthday Giveaway – The Winners!
I just Love reading your posts, your such a great writer. You should really think about written work as a career, if I’m not already wrong and it’s your current profession. Anyway, very much enjoyed this blog post and love the quote, it is so very real and very true to me, although, I’m not in a breakup right now I can use the quote as ammunition in all my relationships, friendships, marriage, parenting, it’s just so fitting. Well, I’ve babbled and on to my order of choices, hands down I WANT prize #3 Essence first, then #2 and lastly #1, basically reverse your posted order.
I like the prizes in the order they are in. My first choice being prize 1, my second choice prize 2 , and third choice is prize 3.
No. 1 – Prize #1
No. 2 – Prize #2
No. 3 – Prize #3
I have read your blog a few times and kept forgetting to subscribe. Well Subscibed now!
Prize in order:
1, 2, 3
But I like them all.
Wes recently posted..SWATCHES!!!!!
Well, I did not see this post resulting in a giveaway lol. I haven’t had any issues with Sephora really. I used to go crazy shopping there as my accumulated “points” proved this. However this past year I’ve barely purchased anything from them except for an essential or two. I was disappointed in them not sharing the F&F sale this year, but I’m whatever about it ow because it wouldn’t have saved me that much money since I wasn’t planning on spending tons. Now that an Ulta has opened up somewhat near me (yay!) I can get most of the same things from them for Xmas shopping with coupons. I do however think the 100 points perk is so lame. The 500 is good every once in a while, but not too often. It definitely doesn’t amount to $500 worth of spending, but some perks arent so bad.
It sucks that their PR people are such asses on FB. I don’t ever go to their FB page other than seeing their posts in my newsfeed. They aren’t very personable on Twitter either from what I’ve noticed. They don’t ever retweet or interact with people. Oh well! Their loss right.
As for your giveaway I’d be happy with any of them since I don’t own any of those brands other than OPI. Sooo my want order is #2, #1, #3.
Thanks for another giveaway!
Frosso recently posted..Hit Polish Jack Loves Sally
I feel like knowing that a company purposefully censors their comments is infinitely worse than any negative feedback they receive. Seeing companies address flaws and fix them makes me more confident about shopping from them. That said, I’ve never really shopped from Sephora all that much.
Prize 1 is lovely!
Is it weird that I have never shopped at Sephora? Well, that’s a lie, I purchased my dotitng tool from there. I don’t really ike the one that I have near me because the workers are kind of snotty and then they don’t give you room to breath. Seriously, you walk in to look at some nail polish and they are down your throat going “can i help you? oh what do you know about polish? let me talk to you about this polish!” NO LEMME LOOK MYSELF! lol My favorite was last time when the girl sprayed me with perfume. OH then my sister bought some make up there or somethingand the manufactorer changed their codes and said Sephora had a list of the changes, she went into sephora and the girl pretty much told my siste she was stupid.
annnndd prize pack I <3 is the second Sation one

Alaina recently posted..31 Day Challenge – Day 14 – Saran Wrap Manicure
Prize 1 No2
Prize 2 No3
Prize 3 No1
Thanks for the contest!
Prize #1
First I want to say sorry about your Sephora experience, personally I’ve never shopped from them so I guess I’m saved from the disappointments.
Thanks a lot for hosting this giveaway even if it’s a sad topic you rose up from the negativity that they gave you.
Well my first choice would be Prize#2, then #1 and #3. ^_^
Prize #3 then Prize #1 and finally Prize #2. Love all though.
I couldn’t agree more! Their “gift program” is the worst!
My prefrence would be #3, then #1 and #2!
Thank you!
That really sucks. I’ve been noticing the decline, too

Tara @ Polishy of Truth recently posted..OPI Pink of Hearts 2012 BCA Duo
I would rank them prize 1, then prize 2, then prize 3.
Prize 1, 3 then 2. I’ve only been in Sephora a few time since there isn’t any close to me. I usually have to go out of state to find one. Poor customer service can be a business relationship deal breaker for me also.
lilvovo recently posted..Green-ish Nail Art for Depression Awareness Month
I would order them 2, 3, and then 1. Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!
We don’t have Sephora in the UK…there are so many shops we don’t have…makes it quite difficult to get all the new polishes!
Laura recently posted..Wedding Nails
My first choice would be prize #1, then # 3 and #2
my favorite :
Prize 1 No2
Prize 2 No3
Prize 3 No1
Thankyou for this lovely giveaway! ^^
Great post thanks for the read! I love how we women band together against companies that don’t always have good customer service… And I like how it’s not done in a catty manner! I went to the Sephora in NYC’s Time Square and it was absolute MADNESS and chaos. And the RAs were all kinda milling around looking bored and snooty at the same time. But the guy at the checkout was all kinds of awesome so I was somewhat mollified

Loving the Jessica polishes especially that pumpkin glowy orange one… Plus I don’t get Jessica here in Singapore
Thanks again for the read
So sorry to hear about your experiences with Sephora, I hope that time will slowly fade the bad experiences.
I can’t decide which order I prefer as there’s at least 1 polish from each of the groupings that’s calling out my name! =)
Numbers 2,1,3
Awesome giveaway!
my choices: No 2, 3, 1
Lydia recently posted..Purple Dots
I would like giveaway #1.
I was not surprised by your experience with Sephora. I’ve had so many bad experiences at the stores that I stopped going in & only shopped online. The ‘perks’ of being a VIB SUCK! The lack of F&F discount this year was inconsiderate. I know some people got it, not sure how they decided who was worthy. I will probably use the Nov discount, although the last time it was only 15%! I will only get whatever I can’t find at Ulta when they give 20%.
Prize #2, Prize #1, Prize #3!
I am sorry that you’ve been disappointed lately. I do understand!
Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com
Terri P recently posted..Cookn’ 10 Recipe Organizer WINNER!
I am new to your blog but I absolutely love it!! Your pics are amazing!! My 1st choice in prizes would be Sation, then Jessica & Essence. I love them all but the Sation Oh My Oceania! Is definitely one of my lemmings!! Great giveaway!!
1, 3, 2 for me.
I’m new to Sephora so I’m sad to hear there’s so many problems with their customer service. I probably won’t be buying from them often because I feel they are pretty expensive, but I’ll have to keep it in mind. Thanks.
I like #3, then #1 then #2.
So sad to hear when a good company goes bad. Here’s love from another sad shopper who’s affections were spurned.
I used to love Sephora too, but have recently found myself at Ulta more and more. I’d love the prizes right in order, 1, 2 and 3. Thanks!
2,1,3 :P)
Prize #1 definately!
So sad with the bad customer service. I hope you find another place soon
My favourite prizes are number 2, 3 and 1 in that order.
Thank you very much for the giveaway
I’ve never really shopped at Sephora much, but their customer service sounds horrible
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
1st Choice: Prize #1
2nd Choice: Prize #2
3rd Choice: Prize #3
“They say that breaking up is hard to do, now I know, I know that it’s true, some say that this is the end, instead of breaking up I wish that we were making up again…”
Oh, Pablo! My friend put My Dog Has Died on her FB recently and it was an experience to read, for sure.
I have thankfully not been on the Sephora FB page, but was pretty outraged by the lack of a public Friends and Family sale. What the shit is that, Sephora? Maybe what you said about the industry being recession-proof is right, because apparently they don’t need the revenue the sale would bring. I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s experience, as well.
Your giveaways are size 2 bikini AH-MAZING! OMG! I pick #1 because OMG I LOVE IT I CAN HAZ #!?, #3 because I don’t have any Essences, and #2, which just look so pretty grouped together!
1, 2, 3! simple. ;]
I simply adore the first prize!
I, too, am having trouble with Sephora (at least currently). Their customer service (in person, but especially online) has really gone downhill lately.
It frustrates me mostly because my only other option in town, Ulta, is horrid in my city, and I’ve never ordered through their website.
Anyway, my choices are as following:
1st choice: prize 2
2nd choice: prize 1
3rd choice: prize 3
Me encantaron todos, así que el que reciba en caso de ganar será bienvenido!!!
Sorry about the break up and I love the Jessica colors
Thanks for a giveaway!
I like the colors in prize #2. Too bad about Sephora. I have only shopped in there twice ever and it isn’t a go to place for me anyway.
I hate to hear about your issues with Sephora. I used to buy a good bit of stuff from there, but where I’m at, the closest one is a good bit away, so I don’t make it over there. And to be honest, most of the time you can find better deals on many of the things they sell through other channels. I LOVE most of the colors in your giveaway, but as a whole I like #1 and #3 the best, though the Rock-A-Guy blue in #2 almost makes that one my favorite alone.
I would be happy with any of the prizes.
But i guess my first choice would be Prize 1.
I would love to try first prize Jessica Pumpkin Delight and Cinnamon Kiss look stunning
1,3 , 2
shaimaa recently posted..Dr.Poison Ivy’s Beauty Blog: Mega Birthday Giveaway (International)
2, 3, 1
2, 1, 3 but I am okay with any

I went to Sephora once and they guy there approached me and started offering me stuff, he even complimented my cateye liner and as soon as I told him I was just looking around he just left *rude*. I was there for about 30 minutes and he did not come back to see if I needed anything….
Carol recently posted..Wet n Wild Megalast ‘Wet Cement’
Wow, 3 of these colors are on my wishlist!! I think I like the 2nd prize the best, but the 1st one is fabulous too, as is the 3rd. Thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway! I’d love to win #2, then #1, and #3!
Aleksandra Lesniak recently posted..Adrian Wu at WMCFW
I like Jessica Pumpkin Delight as my 1st, then #2, then #3.
My prize preference is (starting from most preferred) 3,2,1.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for this great giveaway! As we’ve talked about before, I hate how stores have us by the proverbial balls and feel like they can do whatever they want. We can talk more about that later.
I think my preference of prizes are just how you listed them:
Thanks again!! 

1. Jessica/OPI
2. Sation
3. Essence
They’re all great but I based them on which brands I can get ahold of, and then within that realm which colors I found the most appealing.
Nicole recently posted..These Nails Will Have You In Stitches!
Oh and I wanna say, in your behalf to Sephora (which is the same thing I said to the friend I “broke up with” recently…) It’s not me, it’s you.
I wish I’d said that to every boyfriend I’d ever broken up with in high school and college. Ahhh that felt good. K, bye.

Nicole recently posted..AWESOME Giveaway!! Choice of Three Polish Prize Packs!
omg when I first read this, I read it as you were going to tell us about a break up you had at the age of 13!! LOL I agree Sephora has gone down a lot in customer service, and their promotions etc. It just sucks because Sephora really used to be amazeballs but I have hoenstly found closer to home little “mom and pop” beauty stores with the same stuff for cheaper and they are super friendly and have points rewards… Sephora better clean up their act or they will lose a lot of loyal customrs… :/
I would love to win any of these but for sure #1 the most 

Ohhhhh a giveaway I was in LOVE with these Jessica’s when you posted them originally, ooh I hope I win
amanda (mae) recently posted..HMOTD 8 – Pumpkins
I am really sorry to hear this!! I have only ordered from them once and it was awhile ago so I have never experienced their staff personally nor have I dealt with their FB page :/
Prizes I would like are 1,2,3 hehe!

Thank you for the giveaway!
Angel E recently posted..My Breast Cancer Awareness Nails
Great giveaway! If I win, I would love Prize 1.
I have purchased from Sephora, but I guess you’d call me a ‘casual consumer’. I love Kat Von D products and can only buy them there. But I agree…their ‘perks’, even for normal members, are so dumb! Travel sized crap. Ugh!
Candice recently posted..A Liebster Award!
Prize numero uno is my one and only desire.
I already have the rest!
Jessica recently posted..Color Club Port-folio: NOTD
Based on your experiences, I can completely understand your feelings about Sephora!
My prize preferences are #2 first, then #1, then # 3, but they’re all great!
prize 1,3,2!!!!
Wow Well 1,2,3 in that order Yeah I feel the same way about Sephora I used to go to Schaumburg,IL from Milwaukee WI or online order. Now not so much only went to get Patone recently last month, Illamsqua, and of course Nars years ago and bought backups to avoid going back!
we do not have Sephora ;( I wish I would and could hate it, but still shop there ;(
Order 1,2,3 .
I’m so bummed about Sephora’s nasty customer service. I’ve stopped buying from MAC altogether, too. I would normally like set 2 the best, but I have colors pretty similar to those. I guess my order would be 1, 3, 2!
I’m so glad I found your blog, it’s amazing!!
1, 3, then 2. I hate it when a big company, who has the man power and resources, let’s the little guy down. Seems to be happening everywhere now a days. Thanks for the chance to win.
1st- prize 1
2nd- prize 3
3rd-prize 2
Prize Pack #1, Prize Pack #2, Prize Pack #3
I’m sorry you’re breaking up with Sephora! I shop there only once or twice a year, I can’t justify the prices.