Month: January 2014

Kiko 402 Jewel Pink

Kiko 402 Jewel Pink




Hey, it’s 2014! If you’re reading this, you surely survived any kind of NYE debauchery so I’m glad for that. If you read last night’s post, then you know I had a calm and uneventful NYE and I am thankful for that because it was just what I needed to really start 2014 off on the right foot. This morning I woke up strangely excited about my blog like I couldn’t wait to swatch some polishes and start working on posts. This is something that I’m really happy about because to be honest, for the last month or so, I was feeling like I was losing interest in maintaining this blog. I still had a major boner for polish, but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to keep committing so much time and effort to blogging. Well, I’m glad those feelings went away and that I am once again feeling excited about writing up posts. I don’t know if this is normal for all bloggers, but I tend to go through this maybe 3 times a year and I think that the best thing to do at that time is maybe take a little break to just rest and not worry about your blogging schedule or anything else that you feel pressured about. I’m glad that I wasn’t that active in December because now I feel better about everything.

Today I was looking through my melmers (again) and I decided to try out a gorgeous holo. I remember that when I first started getting hardcore interested in nail polish (sometime around 2010), I knew nothing about different finishes and basically only used creme polishes. When I started my blog at the end of 2011, I had already been educated by various nail blogs so I knew about the existence of holographic polishes and I lamented the fact that there weren’t many viable options for affordable holos. Fast forward a year and EVERYBODY and their grandma was making holographic polishes…linear holographic polishes. The holo polish that I have for you today is Kiko 402 Jewel Pink so let’s take a closer look at it.

Kiko 402 1aKiko 402 2As far as holos go, this one is pretty darn great. The formula is really nice in that it applies smoothly and is very easy to control. I did notice that you can create bald spots if you don’t allow for enough dry time between coats, but otherwise it’s a great polish. Since the formula is so opaque, you could almost get away with one coat if you are careful with your application. The one thing that I didn’t like is that it dries very dull…even more dull than other holo polishes. I have learned that some holo polishes lose some of the strong holo effect if you top coat them, but thankfully that is not the case here.

Sometimes I hate posting polishes that I know will be difficult to get for most of you, but this is just so pretty that I couldn’t stop myself. Kiko is an Italian brand that can be found in a few countries in Europe, but unfortunately we don’t have easy access to them here in the states. Woe is me. I’m not sure how readily available this polish is since it does come from the Limited Edition Lavish Oriental Collection from 2012 so don’t hate me if you really want this. Anywho, I hope you’re having a nice day and aren’t suffering the horrible effects of too much alcohol from the night before. Thanks for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!