Well, let me tell you that I was planning to take a little hiatus from blogging for at least a week. I was feeling so incredibly run down, sad, stressed and just like a general loser overall that I just didn’t think I would have it in me to actually talk to you about nail polish. I’ve said it before and I will repeat it here: I credit nail polish for helping me get through the roughest period of my life to date, so I will always have a special place in my heart for all things nail polish. I think I have mentioned it before, but when I went through my hospitalizations a couple of years ago (June 2011 was the last month of my hospitalization), one of the things that I loved doing was painting my nails or other patient’s nails. They had the saddest bucket of nail polishes that I have ever seen, but it was a fun distraction that required some concentration. What else was I supposed to do? Listen to my schizophrenic roommate talk in her sleep or the guy in the room down the hall who screamed out “It’s too much!” at random times during the day and night? I asked him what he meant by “It’s too much!” and he responded: “Life.” Life was too much. Sadly, I understood him at that time. I think that the anniversary of some really bad events in my life has really been wearing on me to the point that I feel so down about all of that and my current situation of just having a job I hate that is sucking the life out of me. Well, today I got got a few calls regarding some promising job opportunities so that really gave me a little boost. I mean, I know I am a talented and intelligent individual, yet I have such a low opinion of myself and my abilities. I drone away at jobs I know I am sorely overqualified for because I am so afraid to challenge myself. I am not persistent when it comes to going after things I want and deserve–maybe because I am afraid of failure. But is failure something I should fear so much? Won’t it be worse to look back at my life, and realize I’ve pissed it all away because of fear? Anyway, this quote came up today and I do feel that it gave me another little nudge in the right direction: “Persistence –Press on – nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not – nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not – unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not – the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent.” (There is some conflicting information as to whom this quote can be attributed to, but it appears to be from Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president of the US) So here I am ready to have a good week–I will make this a good week. I have a couple of interviews so I’m hoping that this is the beginning of a turn around for me. I do deserve better and I do deserve a job that doesn’t make me sick to my stomach! Don’t we all? In order to pump myself up for good things, I’m going to share a classy beauty: Yves Saint Laurent Violine Surrealiste.
Maybe it’s just the YSL name that conjures up the ethereal beauty of Audrey Hepburn, but this color just screams classy sophistication to me. Some of you may balk at the $25 price tag, but if there’s one thing I tend to splurge on, it’s nail polish. I would say that the formula on this is not perfect. I found it to be a bit on the thin side so I applied 3 thin coats but I think 2 thickish coats could have done the trick. One thing that I would like to mention is that this polish went absolutely nuts when I used Seche Vite as my top coat. It got these weird streaks on it and then I saw some strange wrinkling. It was so strange that I just decided to remove everything and start again. I ended up not applying any top coat the second time around so this polish does dry amazingly glossy and shiny. Was it worth $25–uhm, probably not but I like it nonetheless.
And just to end a really great note, here is David Tennant (my one and only super celebrity crush bordering on creepy obsession AND the most amazing Doctor Who ever) singing with The Proclaimers. Enjoy Doctor Who fans! And if you’re not a Doctor Who fan or a David Tennant fan, I hope we never meet in a dark alley because I will MAKE you see the light. hehe
Thanks for stopping by today, and I’ll talk to you soon!
Its a gorgeous color even though the formula wasn’t perfect for the $25 price tag. Your swatches make anything look good
Glad to see that nail polish has been such a huge part in uplifting your spirits. I’ve been stressed and sad at times too and doing my nails has always been comforting and soothing to me

Lisa N. recently posted..I’m a Judge for a Nail Art Competition!
I really wish you the absolute best. Life can really be so hard sometimes (exceptionally so). You deserve to work somewhere that doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself. You are a lovely person with so much worth, always remember that.
forgot to say I love the color
Life is definitely too much some days! I had a rough winter, some depressing stuff was going on in my life, and having the routine of doing my nails every other night or so kind of gave me something fun to do. I would get to where I would be thrilled if I chipped a nail at work because I had an excuse to hole up and do my nails. Hang in there! I know blogging can be a slog and wouldn’t blame you if you quit, but these blogs are fun for other nail addicts like myself!
About the job- just one step at a time – one exercise i learned a long time ago was to sit down and write about 5 different versions of yourself. If you weren’t doing what you are doing now for your job, what would you be doing? Just purely fantasize and don’t worry too much about how it would happen. It can be an enlightening experience.
Oh dear..but I’m glad to hear that nail polish cheers you up! I hope you feel better and take life one step at the time! (: *hugs* You’re an amazing person and don’t forget that! (: remember all of us readers are here rooting for you too! <3
On a polish note, that colour is gorgeous but I always hesitate at the high prices. "Spending $40 for 5 polishes? Sure! Spending close to $40 for a Chanel polish? Uhm…." ^^
Xin Yu recently posted..Tuesday Tutorials- Chinoiserie Nails for beginners
I don’t want to say too much – but just know that there are others who feel the way you’ve expressed in this post. Know that you are loved and appreciated – and kick some ass, girl.

Jessica Dymphna-Rose recently posted..Color Club and Manicure Monday
Beautiful color! You do deserve to do what makes you happy, whatever it may be. Believe in yourself and know that you are worth it! I’ve been having some really rough times lately but I know I’m a good person and that I deserve to be happy…so do you!
What I like about you is that you’re so open about your feelings and your life. It’s good to hear about the job opportunities, I hope one of them works out and you find a job that’s right for your level of skill and that you enjoy!
Thanks for the video – I’ve seen it before but it always makes me giggle so much. I love how he’s totally into it, like he’s “look at me! I’m singing with the Proclaimers!”
(Tenth Doctor all the way!)
It’s a really pretty colour!!
Nail polish makes me happy too! Especially glitter!
When I was once nervous about a job, my dad told me it sounded like I just wanted to do well and that was okay, I was being challenged but loved it. Sometimes my dad has these little gems that just completely change my thinking around (the rest of the time he is 12 years old haha). Basically its:
Nervous and being challenged = good
Sick to your stomach & sleepless = bad
So yay interviews!
Life is too much, but the beauty is that we can make of it what we want. There is always something you can do to improve things a little whether its just deciding to have a good week, or looking for jobs so you are doing something to improve your situation in the future. You’re on the right track.
When I’m feeling particularly down I just try to have a day of whininess then get busy doing something to improve it. Sometimes I feel so bipolar because I’ll be so waa waa and then like the next day I feel like I can conquer the world. I guess that’s normal. Anyway- have a good week. I think you’re awesome and I’m really glad we connected via nails and offbeat senses of humor.
PS: pretty polish but boo on the formula. You made it work tho and it looks nice in the pictures. 

Nicole recently posted..Zoya Fall Pixie Dust Collection Coming Soon!!!
The most important thing is to keeping going on, always. Keep pushing. Many times I just want to give up, it doesn’t feel worth it most of the time anyway, but I refuse, I’ll always keep pushing and hope that what I see in my mind (the normal things not the weird supernatural things) come true.
If I fail, well I’ve failed many times before, I just try again another way. You are amazing as you are Cynth!
On a shorter note: like this colour
it IS classy and sassy
That’s a great quote that you found.
Steve is a doctor with two kids now and Mark is a lawyer expecting his first kid any moment…where does the time go, right? At least we’re still friends. 
A job can really suck the life out of you and the best thing to do to offset that is keep looking for the next opportunity, which you are. It will make you feel better while slogging away, like you’re almost out of it!
I am loving this classy lil’ beauty, although the formula is a bit of a shame for the price tag. I love colors like this…magenta-y. A couple of my faves are Essie Big Spender and Revlon Plum Seduction.
OMG, that song has a special place in my heart! My friends Mark, Steve, and I had been studying for our AP history test junior year and we were spending our lunch cramming. We were all hopped up on Mountain Dew and somehow started singing that song together and it is a distinct memory for me…that song will always remind me of that moment.