Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope this day finds you well and that you are ready to be blinded by sparkly rainbows. Ok, not not really–I don’t want to blind you. However, I do want to show you a beautiful polish that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. I feel that all of us in the nail community are fairly used to seeing “different” nail polish colors, so sometimes I forget that not everyone is into “non-traditional” colors. Personally, the brighter the colors are, the happier they make me. As you can imagine, Vapid Lacquer Who Needs Luck? makes me very, very happy. Let me show you this green jewel!
Vapid Lacquer Who Needs Luck? is an extremely saturated and bright green holographic polish. The first coat can appear slightly thin, but a second coat will give you completely opaque results. The first two pictures were taken under direct indoor lighting and the second set of pictures were taken under LED lighting to better show off the holo. I hate to admit that I am pretty sure I bought this polish by mistake because for whatever reason I thought this polish had flakes in it. Despite my initial confusion and disappointment, I am very happy with this polish.
What is your favorite polish color–if you have one? Tomorrow I have my absolute favorite Vapid to date so don’t forget to check in tomorrow. Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I will talk to you soon!
Brand: Vapid Lacquer
Price: $10.00 /15ml
Purchase: Vapid
Such a vibrant green polish this is. Makes me happy to see it

Lisa N. recently posted..Twinsie Tuesday: Gradient & Stamping
It’s…it’s…so pretty. *cries*
How dare you make me choose a favorite polish color…
I said it once I’ll say it again, I want more green holos!