LeChat Belle La Vie Collection




Oh man you guys, I broke my pinky toe yesterday so I’m kinda pissed about it. I stubbed my toe so hard on the coffee table that I heard it snap and now it’s swollen and bruised. It sure was fun going to work today without being able to wear a shoe. To top it all off, I had my interview today for the position I applied for. I actually think that it went well, and now it’s just a waiting game. Since I had this interview today, I thought it would be fitting to share with you a trio of beautiful work appropriate polishes from the LeChat Belle La Vie Collection. If you’re not familiar with LeChat and their Dare To Wear line, you are missing out. Their line was recently relaunched with a new bottle design and new polishes, so I definitely recommend checking them out. The Belle La Vie Collection is comprised of 6 neutral polishes and today I have the three that caught my attention to share with you.

LeChat Dare To Wear Mi Amour 1LeChat Dare To Wear Mi Amour 2LeChat Dare To Wear Mi Amour is a gorgeous light putty color. I absolutely love how this looks on me and the formula was pretty nice. I applied three thin coats, and it covered beautifully. It’s such a shiny and creamy nude color!

LeChat Dare To Wear Heart & Soul 1LeChat Dare To Wear Heart & Soul 2When I first saw LeChat Dare To Wear Heart & Soul, I thought it would be my favorite of the three, but I ended up not liking it as much as I thought I would. The shimmer is really pretty, but it almost borders on frosty which is a finish I definitely don’t like.

LeChat Dare To Wear Utaupia 1LeChat Dare To Wear Utaupia 2And in the book of greyed taupes, LeChat Dare To Wear Utaupia is a star…a two coat creamy and glossy star.

You may think that these colors are a little boring, but they really are not–at least not in my book. What do you think of these three neutrals? Are they something that you would wear or are they too safe? Well, I’m going to cut it short here since I’m going to go catch up on two of my favorite shows: The Following and The Black List. Talk to you soon!

12 thoughts on “LeChat Belle La Vie Collection

    1. Seriously! I love James Spader (I loved him so much in Secretary!!!) I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow just because the bruising is spreading a lot which I’m not liking. I probably should stay off my feet for the next two days.

  1. Love the first one ๐Ÿ™‚

    So glad your interview went great ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck and hope to you hear from them soon.

  2. I broke my toe a few years ago taking shopping out of the car and a wine bottle went through a bag and hit my foot (breaking it’s fall!), I was hopping down the street following the rolling bottle! Didn’t know my toe was broken until next day trying to drive to work, had to go to work with one shoe on for weeks afterward! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Hope interview went well, nice swatches – haven’t seen that brand in the UK.

  3. OMG! OMG OMG OMG! I LOVED JAMES SPADER IN SECRETARY, TOO!!! I actually own the movie.
    Sorry about your toe. Maybe you can tell Nicole by OPI and that you broke it in your enthusiasm for the Roughles and they’ll give you some sympathy polish? Hahaha.
    I LOVE MI Amor. Love it. Would buy it (as long as it didn’t look super lame on whitey over here). I hate Heart & Soul. Hate it. Too frosty! I like Utaupia (that’s weird to type), but it reminds me of that Misa I got somewhat recently.
    Sending good juju for the interview outcome & toe healing!

  4. I love Mi Amor & the Utopia. So pretty & professional looking. Also a Black List fan, sometimes it’s little violent though.
    I hope you get the promotion…glad the interview went well even tho you probably had to limp around. Hope the toe heals fast. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. We both like this collection and we both like the following and the black list. Ha! Anywho, I want to get D to W Just Breath. It’s the perfect off white, I think, as white white is just too in your face for me. Heart and Soul reminds me of one of my fave neutrals, Finger Paints Warm Hearted. Not the same, but makes one think of it for sure.

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