Load. Yes, you read that correctly: LOAD. I think my blog has always been PG-13 or maybe R at times so I apologize if Illamasqua is offending your sensibilities. Nothing really shocks me nowadays (Sinful Colors Beau Khaki anyone?) and I just kinda giggled every time I saw this polish. I finally decided to get it because I have been pretty obsessed with white/off white polishes lately Illamasqua Load was released in the 2011 Throb collection for Valentine’s Day of all things. haha!
Illamasqua Load is a milky and creamy off white polish with some yellow undertones. Not only have I been super obsessed with white polishes, but I am also a huge fan of yellow polishes as well because my mom always dressed me in yellow. I guess it brings back fond memories of being a kid. The formula on this was definitely not what I expected considering Illamasqua is usually perfection in a bottle. This color was beyond streaky and I never thought I would be able to get it to look right after the second coat. I decided to apply a thickish third coat and that seemed to do the trick.
Ok, I don’t know what I was thinking when I did this. I am not feeling the gold hex glitter at all. I think it looks kind of strange and it was a pain in the butt to apply since it is loose glitter. I got the idea of doing this after I saw Nicole’s poopy brown nails yesterday. Considering that we both agreed that we didn’t like them, I guess I had a brain fart when I went a head and took inspiration from them. I feel like I have ghetto gold on my nails!
It’s Wednesday so happy hump day! Are you looking forward to the weekend? I am because I may have more celebrations in store. That’s just how I roll. 🙂 Do you have any fun weekend plans? Oh, and I almost forgot to ask you: what do you think of Load? Is it something you would wear? Are you totally turned off by the name?
Thanks so much for stopping by today and catching up with me! Talk to you soon.
I actually had to look LOAD up on UrbanDictionary to understand what was the deal… Eeeeewwww xDDD But the polish looks lovely. I think I want it…
iriel recently posted..Darling Diva Polish – Ménage à Trois
I like that color 😉 Iriel, I giggled a little bit more when I read your response 🙂 you actually looked it up, you are too funny!
LOL…it’s endearing! I’m kind of a corrupter of innocent minds here with some nail polish!
omg. i was going to ask and then I looked it up on UB .. the beau khaki i will need a translation LOL.
i loved this color!!
mariaemmafaria recently posted..Paisley pattern
Yes, it is a great color! I love it but wish the formula was as great as all my other illamasquas. Ok, for beau khaki, look up bukkake. I am not going to say another word.
This is a panamanian rock band i like very much, they had this song that was very popular a while ago.

mariaemmafaria recently posted..El lado positivo de.. / The bright side.
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison
LOL–yes, kind of icky name but pretty polish. If the difficult formula doesn’t bother you so much, then it’s definitely worth it…maybe even just for the name! 😉
I am constantly on the lookout for the perfect off white polish and I may just have to hunt this down! Just lovely.
Tina recently posted..Day 9 of Crumpets 31 DC – Saran Wrap
Tina, it is a great polish but kind of pricey for the streaky formula. I am going to swatch another awesome white polish that is *almost* a one coater…that is how amazing it is and it’s like 5 times cheaper than this Illamasqua!
I think I want it BECAUSE of the name… someone posted this on instagram like a week or two ago and I thought to myself: “I would love to tell people what this polish is called if I had it on my fingers, just to see their faces!” I think I must have it now, where did you pick it up?
Amy recently posted..OPI Pure Lacquer Nail Apps Fishnet
I am just waiting for that to happen…lol That would be deliciously awkward! It’s a pretty polish but the formula is kinda meh. I always expect more if I’m paying a premium price. I got it at Sephora.
I felt that way when I got Illamasqua’s Nurture… for a premium rubber polish, the formula is shit
Amy recently posted..OPI Pure Lacquer Nail Apps Fishnet
Most of the rubber finish polishes did have a kind of a strange formula. The purple one wasn’t bad but Serenity and Nurture were super watery.
I’ ve been wanting Load for a while now…the color is pretty much the exact type of shade that looks bad on me, but I just want it for the name. I haven’t gotten it yet because I’ve convinced myself several times to be more sensible about it and not buy a high priced polish simply for its name. One day I’ll give in though…who can resist a good load.
Frosso recently posted..OPI The Living Daylights
Oh my God…your last sentence made me crack up like hell…so unexpected. hahahahaha
You know what? As much as I love Illamasqua, I could have done without this one. The appeal really is mostly the name for me. I’m going to swatch another off white milky Sation that really is the most perfect white polish I have ever used–even better than My Boyfriend Scales Walls. But I’m sure this has not convinced you and that you, like me, will eventually get this polish just to say that you have a nice load on your nails.
LOL ….Almost just took it further, but I’ll sensor myself…it was something about a sticky load, but that is all 😛 And YES the formula can be crappy as hell, I still want it just for the name…now that is great marketing.
Frosso recently posted..OPI The Living Daylights
hahahahaha….you just wanted to take my blog into NSFW territory.
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison
Ahhh Frosso beat me to it!! I knew it must be her or Leslie when I saw your comment on twitter. Haha. Gosh this polish is exactly what I’d think this name would be. And even though I just said that- I actually love the color!! I would be embarrassed to tell, for example, MY MOM what the name was but I really do like this color. Too bad the formula is kinda a dick, but whatever. It’s a cool color and can you beat that awful disgusting name? I think not.
Nicole recently posted..Androgynous Redemption Of A Sort- China Glaze Get Carried Away Swatch and Review
Do you think your mom would automatically get it? I mean, I know sometimes we don’t like to think of our parents using that language, but sometimes they just don’t get it because they can’t believe someone would use that word in that way. lol SHAMELESS!!!! The color is great but the formula could use some help. It was a little disappointing actually. Oh well…they can’t all be perfect.
No, I don’t think she’d get it right off the bat, but there’s no way I could keep a straight face and then I’d have to tell her and I’d die of embarrassment and my mom would be so disgusted.. bad deal all around. Haha.
Nicole recently posted..My Mom’s Next Nails
LOL…that would be priceless.
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison
Poopy nails WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I’m the only one who likes Nicole’s poopy nails.
I agree this gold isn’t working for me but the polish colour is cute.
LOL…I almost always have a problem with brown polishes. I’m brown, then if I wear brown, it’s like my fingers and nails are one turd. I just don’t like it! hahaha I really liked the design of Nicole’s nails but with different colors. Maybe I’ll try that tomorrow!
Oh, and yes…this polish is top notch except for the formula. :/
I remember hearing about this one back before my official polish obsession and being a little weirded out by it. However, know that I am more familiar with Illamasqua as a brand, etc., it no longer phases me. In fact, it’s even funnier know that I know it was released in the “Throb” collection…for Valentine’s Day!
I like the color on you, but I’m definitely going to pass if the formula isn’t good. I can get streaky whites for cheaper! 😉 Although, can I get a streaky white with a highly-inappropriate name for cheaper? This I do not know. 🙂
I like it better without the gold bits on there. I’m not a fan of the ruffian style…it makes it look like it’s growing out, to me.
No real exciting weekend plans. I need to go through/organize/clean up what used to be the office and is now basically my brother’s man cave in the house. I am glad that you are continuing to celebrate, though! Share your revels with us! :p
Well guess what? I’m having sushicoma #2 tonight with my sil and her sister. She is the one who told me about this sushi place and she really wants to go since she doesn’t live so close to it now so I said SURE! lol My friend is coming over any minute and we’re probably going to have lunch or watch a movie or something…very low key. Beejus, I just had an HR manager call me and interview me in French so that was kind of strange especially since I slept in today and probably sounded like a zombie. :/ Anyway, good luck on the cleaning up part…it’s my favorite though I now realize most people don’t find cleaning and organizing fun. My place is a sty right now so I’ll have to spend all day tomorrow fixing it up.
And yes…gold glitter on this polish was not a good idea. Ick.
Sushicoma #2! Woot! I managed to successfully eat applesauce, soup, bread, and tea, so I consider it a good day. 😉
Why were they interviewing you in French? To prove that you know the language?
That actually makes me feel a little better. I’ll be like, “Cynthia thinks this is fun!” The room is actually pretty small, so I don’t think it’ll be too bad. It’s something that needs to be done, so it’ll be good to get it off of the to-do list (although there’s still plenty more when it comes to the house, haha).
Well, I actually told them that maybe I wouldn’t be too comfortable dealing with clients in French. I mean, writing and speaking conversational French is a lot different from like proper business French so they wanted to see how I would do. About cleaning out the room, just do it in bits and pretty soon you’ll be all done. I kind of do that sometimes like when I want to fix up my room I stick with the closet only and then I move on even if takes me a few days.
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison
Ok young lady, I looked up bukkake. I am now going to take a long hot shower w/exfoliation. ::smh:: The things young people know these days… BB2U
Bohemian Babushka recently posted..A Breakesito from Blogging
LOL BB…i’m sorry that we are grossing you out. 😉
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison
Lol at people looking it up. Lol pretty gross cuz its gorgeous, and i actually really like the glitter hex accents! Maybe u would feel better eith black o something, it would look very classic! But i love it already
Amanda (Mae) recently posted..NOTD 102 – Featured Color Friday – “Flesh & Blood”
That is what cracks me up the most about this whole polish thread…people looking stuff up. I hope they’re not doing it at work or else they may get in trouble. lol
Cynthia recently posted..Julep Madison