I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t really feel like a true summer here in California. I know it’s been incredibly hot in other areas of the country (and the world), but I feel like we have had an atypical summer for sure. Today was fairly hot and I was very uncomfortable in my dusty havens when I went looking for some new nail polishes. I was definitely feeling the heat today! When I got home, I just wanted to play around with some summery colors and lo and behold, these beauties were waiting for me. I’ve always thought of Entity Beauty as a company that caters more to the professionals since I had never really seen their products at any of the nail supply places I frequent. The only time I came across their products was at one of my favorite nail salons.
First let me say that I am kind of amused by the unique bottle shape. These are the first nail polishes that I’ve tried that have this round bottle, and it just makes them stand out a bit. As far as I’m concerned, packaging is a big part of initial brand appeal so they score points on that end right off the bat. To get to the nitty-gritty of it all, these polishes had a pretty nice formula. I am in the habit of applying very thin coats which usually forces me to apply 2-3 coats of polish. I opted for 2 thicker coats for these swatches and that seemed to work pretty well. I was actually surprised that I didn’t have more problems with the yellow polish since they are notoriously hard to work with. I’ve been on a yellow kick lately so I really liked this color! While these colors are definitely summery, they aren’t necessarily neon. They dry shiny and smooth and with a lovely pearlized shimmer that is noticeable yet not over the top. I know you’re all thinking that you may already have similar colors to these, and I agree that most polish hoarders fans will have dupes no matter what. Either way, this collection is cute and worth checking out if you like bright colors with a pearly/shimmer finish.
So now that I’ve blabbed for a while, here are the swatches:
For more information on where to purchase Entity products, you can visit their website and locate a distributor and/or salon in your area. You can also visit their facebook page for all their latest news and announcements. If you’re interested in purchasing these polishes online, you can find them at Trans Design.
So tell me: what do you think?
****These items were sent for review. This in no way influences my review and opinion of the product.****
I'm loving that yellow polish. I normally don't like yellow polish because they remind me of jaundiced hands, but their yellow is so pretty! Might have to check out their facebook page. Thanks so much for these lovely swatches!!! =)
Thanks again for always stopping by Mavel. Hey, what happened to you starting a blog? You know what's weird? I remembered that video you had shared with us of Stella (the poopy one) a year ago and I was going to ask you if you had posted it to youtube because I wanted to show my friend…we love baby videos where stuff like that happens. lol And then I noticed you posted it on FB and I was like…whoa!
The yellow is pretty and I was surprised it wasn't super horrible to apply. Have you seen that yellow that Cult Nails has? It's called Feel Me Up…you should check out some swatches.
I really like the pearl/shimmer in the orange!
You're showing up as a new commenter (is that a word??) and I wonder if it's because you changed to a .com Have you figured out all the kinks from your switch?
The orange is my favorite and maybe the red too.
I think it is because I have the new URL for the website, but maybe too because I got a new email associated with the .com.
Yeah, probably! I still haven't figured out so much stuff since I switched…oh well. Little by little.
I’m loving that yellow polish. I normally don’t like yellow polish because they remind me of jaundiced hands, but their yellow is so pretty! Might have to check out their facebook page. Thanks so much for these lovely swatches!!! =)
Thanks again for always stopping by Mavel. Hey, what happened to you starting a blog? You know what’s weird? I remembered that video you had shared with us of Stella (the poopy one) a year ago and I was going to ask you if you had posted it to youtube because I wanted to show my friend…we love baby videos where stuff like that happens. lol And then I noticed you posted it on FB and I was like…whoa!
The yellow is pretty and I was surprised it wasn’t super horrible to apply. Have you seen that yellow that Cult Nails has? It’s called Feel Me Up…you should check out some swatches.
I really like the pearl/shimmer in the orange!
You’re showing up as a new commenter (is that a word??) and I wonder if it’s because you changed to a .com Have you figured out all the kinks from your switch?
The orange is my favorite and maybe the red too.
I think it is because I have the new URL for the website, but maybe too because I got a new email associated with the .com.
Yeah, probably! I still haven’t figured out so much stuff since I switched…oh well. Little by little.
I really like these! Never heard of Entity, will have to look into it…
They're interesting for sure. I don't know what is with me and the bottle shape…lol
Did you find anything at your dusties?
I have never heard of this brand. I like the pearly finish to them. The colors are kind of similar to the Precision ones from earlier in the week!
These were sent for review, eh? You're makin' it bigtime!
Omg…i found out that one of my fave places is now selling zoya for $4.25!!!! That was the great find for me of the day. And yes, you're right…the precision and entity colors are pretty similar except for the finish.
I like the orange and yellow polishes. For some reason, the purple isn't speaking to me.
I kind of felt the same way. I usually love purple but this one was just nice…nothing out of this world. You're liking yellow polishes now?!
I really like these! Never heard of Entity, will have to look into it…
They’re interesting for sure. I don’t know what is with me and the bottle shape…lol
J'adore le packaging !
Toutes ces couleurs d'été sont magnifiques! Mais j'ai une préférence pour le fuschia, red, turquoise et yellow! Ils te vont super bien ! 

Ce sont des vernis envoyé pour un article, ça veut dire que tu es ultra célèbre ! Félicitations
Désolé d'avoir parler en français, je reviens d'une soirée entre amis (on a été au cinéma voir the black knight rises…) et il est actuellement presque 3h du matin, je suis trop fatiguée pour parler anglais ^^.
J'aurais juste besoin de savoir si tu aimes ou si tu as envies d'une couleur en particulier pour un vernis
Je suis d'accord: le packaging est exceptionnel. Tu me fais rigoler…célèbre!! lol Tu peux parler en français quand tu veux…ça ne me dérange pas.
T'as bien aimé le film?
Pour le vernis, tu sais bien que j'adore toutes les couleurs. Peut-être bleu ou violet.
Tu es trop gentille…t'es pas obligée de m'envoyer tout ça!
Ouais le film était pas mal, enfin ça reste batman, un film de super héros ^^
Ok aujourd'hui c'est mon jour de repos alors j'attaque ma recherche pour pouvoir envoyer ton paquet demain
Je ne suis pas obligée mais ça me fait plaisir de t'envoyer des vernis
Did you find anything at your dusties?
I have never heard of this brand. I like the pearly finish to them. The colors are kind of similar to the Precision ones from earlier in the week!
These were sent for review, eh? You’re makin’ it bigtime!
Omg…i found out that one of my fave places is now selling zoya for $4.25!!!! That was the great find for me of the day. And yes, you’re right…the precision and entity colors are pretty similar except for the finish.
the yellow polish was my favorite!!
Good choice! It seems a lot of people like the yellow including me!
I like the orange and yellow polishes. For some reason, the purple isn’t speaking to me.
I kind of felt the same way. I usually love purple but this one was just nice…nothing out of this world. You’re liking yellow polishes now?!
J’adore le packaging !
Toutes ces couleurs d’été sont magnifiques! Mais j’ai une préférence pour le fuschia, red, turquoise et yellow! Ils te vont super bien ! 

Ce sont des vernis envoyé pour un article, ça veut dire que tu es ultra célèbre ! Félicitations
Désolé d’avoir parler en français, je reviens d’une soirée entre amis (on a été au cinéma voir the black knight rises…) et il est actuellement presque 3h du matin, je suis trop fatiguée pour parler anglais ^^.
J’aurais juste besoin de savoir si tu aimes ou si tu as envies d’une couleur en particulier pour un vernis
Je suis d’accord: le packaging est exceptionnel. Tu me fais rigoler…célèbre!! lol Tu peux parler en français quand tu veux…ça ne me dérange pas.
T’as bien aimé le film?
Pour le vernis, tu sais bien que j’adore toutes les couleurs. Peut-être bleu ou violet.
Tu es trop gentille…t’es pas obligée de m’envoyer tout ça!
Ouais le film était pas mal, enfin ça reste batman, un film de super héros ^^

Ok aujourd’hui c’est mon jour de repos alors j’attaque ma recherche pour pouvoir envoyer ton paquet demain
Je ne suis pas obligée mais ça me fait plaisir de t’envoyer des vernis
the yellow polish was my favorite!!
Good choice! It seems a lot of people like the yellow including me!
The yellow and pink are my favorites of this bunch.
Woot! Another yellow lover.
The yellow and pink are my favorites of this bunch.
Woot! Another yellow lover.