Category: Guest Post

Guess What? Guest Post Time!

Guess What? Guest Post Time!

So I had this post scheduled for yesterday and suddenly I’m like…wait a cotton pickin’ minute! What happened? Well, it was still in my drafts because apparently I thought we are in 2014. Yeah, like that…

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys that I have a guest post up chez Amy’s blog, The Fancy Side. She was off gallivanting around the world making me jealous with all her travel adventures. I’m still not over the fact that she got to hold hands with a panda. Yeah, I’m not kidding. So anyway, now that Amy is back and dealing with jet lag, make sure that you pop on over there to say hi. Check out my travel nails post over on her blog by clicking the image below:

3See you on the flipity flip!