Tag: Sally Hansen Powerful Acrylic Gel

Growing Out My Nails

Let me get this out before I continue: I HATE long nails.  Rather, I hate the feeling of long nails. I certainly admire long nails (not the talon kind because those give me the heebie jeebies) on other women but I just don’t have the patience to grow mine out. I dread that feeling of bumping my nail on something and feeling it bend back; that’s as bad as nails on a chalkboard. Recently I decided to grow out my nails and see how long I could stand it. Well, this is what just happened earlier today:

Freaking A! What do I do? First I used some nail glue and I brushed it on the nail where it’s broken. That seems to work until I start doing some dishes. I went online and I found some stuff called Clear Liquid Bandage by Nail-Aid. Since I didn’t want to go around hunting this stuff down, I went to Rite-Aid to see if I could find anything else.

By the way, if you have tried this liquid bandage stuff, please let me know how you like it. I hate buying stuff randomly. I mean, it’s not that expensive or anything but hearing some opinions always helps.

So I ended up purchasing some stuff from Sally Hansen.

This does not seem to be a fix for a broken nail but I already applied it and it became a hard coat over my broken nail. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens after a day or so of showers and dishes. I really hope this helps otherwise I’m cutting my nails pronto. I have  long nailbeds so I’m lucky that even when I cut them short, they look somewhat long once they are polished.

Here’s to growing out long nails! (not the talon kind, please!!!!)